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“Indy,” Cash urges.

“Nope. I am not ending our relationship because my mother is too stuck up to realize how happy you make me.”

Mom frowns. “Having a partnership is not about happiness.”

I laugh. “I think Dad figured that out long ago.” And why he stays with her is anybody’s guess.

“Well, I never…”

“That’s the problem. You never.” Never consider anyone else’s feelings. Never think about anyone other than herself. There’s a lot she ‘never’ does.

I herd her toward the front door. “Thanks for stopping by.” Not.

“You’ll regret this, Indigo,” she claims as she steps outside.

“I wouldn’t hold your breath,” I say before shutting the door on her.

Chapter 32

Goodbye – what you say when you’re a yellow-bellied coward


As soon as the door closes behind her mother, Indy’s shoulders slump. I want to hold her in my arms and comfort her, but I don’t. I can’t comfort her while doing what needs to be done.

“Maybe you should go after her.”

She glares at me. Whereas her mother’s glare makes me want to hide in a closet while covering my junk, Indy’s glare makes my cock twitch. Inconvenient timing.

“Why the hell would I go after her after everything she said?”

I ignore her icy glare and place my hands on her shoulders. “Because she’s your mom.”

“She’s also a bitch.” Her eyes widen and she slaps a hand over her mouth.

Damn, she’s cute when she swears. I kiss her nose before retreating a step.

“You’re going to regret it if you don’t go after her.”

Her nostrils flare. “How can you say those words after everything she said about you? She stood here in this kitchen where we live together and bad-mouthed you. How dare she!”

I shove my hands in my pockets and shrug. “Maybe she’s right.”

She fast blinks. “I’m sorry. I think I’m having some kind of psychotic episode. You did not say my mother is right.”

“Don’t be cute.”

“I’m not trying to be cute. I’m hoping I’m still asleep in bed with your arms wrapped around me and our legs tangled together.”

Which is exactly where I want to be, too. But I don’t deserve Indy. She’s way too good for me. I forgot for a while but her mom reminded me all too well. I’m the bastard child who caused a rift between Indy’s mom and grandmother.

“I’m serious, Indy. She’s getting away.”

She rears back. “She’s getting away? Do you seriously expect me to chase her?”

“I don’t want to drive a wedge between you and your mom.”

I know how it feels to not have a mom. I don’t want Indy to experience what I did.

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