Page 31 of A Matter of Trust

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‘Birthday presents. For Gabby’s party on the weekend.’

‘You don’t have to bring anything. I’m sure they’ll be happy to see you. That’s all that’s required.’

‘I’ve missed eleven birthdays. I’m pretty sure I owe a present or ten.’ It came out with an edgy tension that told her his calm demeanour was camouflage.

‘Gabby’s getting a new bike. She’s grown out of her old one. Edward is getting theEndeavourship model he wants.’

He blinked before raising a brow. ‘Edward is celebrating his birthday too?’

‘Of course. His is Saturday and Gabby’s is Sunday. We celebrate on the same day though. It’s easier.’

‘How in the world did you manage that?’

Becca grinned up at him. ‘I didn’t intend it.’

‘I suppose I need to get him a present too. Should he get a bike as well?’

‘Gabby’s old bike will do the job. It’s still in perfect condition.’

He leaned on the bench in the same place Karen had chosen minutes before. ‘Are we not paying you enough?’

Avoiding his gaze, Becca stood up, needing to be at eye level. Or at least closer than sitting would get her. ‘I’m extremely well paid. I have no complaints.’

‘Why are you so short of money, in that case? Your house needs work, you don’t have a car and you need to resort to free childcare from my parents.’

Her stomach turned over and she swallowed a ball of tension in her throat. ‘I’ve been organising an alternative for their afternoon care. If it’s a problem, I can make the change immediately.’

He shifted, suddenly near enough to rest one hand on her shoulder. ‘Don’t take me the wrong way. I’ve no objection to the children spending time with my parents. It’s logical and convenient considering how close you live. I simply want to know if you need financial help. I should be taking some responsibility. Do you need help?’

His grip on her shoulder burned right through the thin cotton of her shirt. ‘We manage.’ At his raised brows, she shifted uneasily. ‘I have a mortgage to pay off. It makes things tight. But I’m getting there. I’m almost ready to buy a car.’ She wasn’t going to tell him his arrival had forced her to reconsider the expenditure. ‘I don’t like going into debt.’

‘Fair enough. Why don’t you sell the place? With the location on the river you should get a good price, even if the house is worthless. You could pay out the mortgage and look at something better in town.’

Something his mother had urged for years. Preferably as far away from the Cavanaugh home as possible. Maybe she could consider it once Dan was settled. He wouldn’t have coped with a move back then. It had taken a lot of preparation with his support team to get him to this point. ‘It wasn’t convenient at the time.’

‘You were considering it?’

‘Maybe. Your mother suggested I might like to try Bialga. It would be a bigger school for the children and more opportunities.’

His hand dropped. ‘My mother suggested it? I don’t see why she would.’ He compressed his lips and closed his eyes briefly. ‘You’re thinking of moving away?’

Maybe she should. If he was going to keep disrupting her life. Drive her insane with wondering about who he might be dating. Who he might marry. She forced a dismissive shrug. ‘I’m not making a decision today.’

‘I thought you liked your work.’ He seemed almost lost, his words coming out in a whisper.

‘It’s a good job, but I have to think about what’s best for the children.’

His expression hardened. ‘The moment I discover I’m a father, you’re planning to move away. You’re aiming to cut me out of your life?’

Regret at her careless words tightened her gut. ‘No. No. I wouldn’t do it. Not now. They’d never forgive me.’

He slumped back on the bench, his eyes closed, head tilted to gaze blindly at the ceiling. There was a faint beading of perspiration on his forehead. This mattered to him. It hadn’t occurred to her he was already so attached to the children. They loved him, but he was so cool and contained, she hadn’t considered it might be mutual. Something more than duty.

Chapter 8

Morgan couldn’t totally contain his excitement at attending the children’s birthday party. His first. He’d finally found something for them, with help from his parents. He’d decided to get the same thing for both children, so hopefully there would be no angst about favouring Gabby over the boy.

He was finding more and more in common with Edward as he spent time with both children. So much so he was starting to weave impossible dreams. Impossible because while he could be a father, at present, there was no possibility of him being a husband. The frustration of his slow recovery had been tempered until he’d found out Becca was unattached. Now he was anxious to see if his return to full health would return other functions. If not, he’d have little to offer the mother of his child.

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