Page 17 of A Matter of Trust

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Celie seemed indifferent. ‘It’s early days, I guess.’

Grateful the other woman wasn’t a long-time resident and couldn’t know the history, Becca shrugged and set out the napkins in piles. ‘Do you think this will be enough?’

Casting a critical eye over the supplies, Celie nodded. ‘Should be. It’s a good turnout, but most of them will go home at lunchtime.’

There was no more time for conversation as the workers started coming over, seeking drinks and eats. Celie manned the hot water urn supplying tea and coffee while Becca focused on distributing the food, all the while keeping half an eye on Morgan and his female friend.

She wasn’t jealous. It was worry that churned her stomach and tightened her throat.

Now Morgan was home, so many things were changing. Her cosy little world was under threat.

She almost forgot Morgan in the rush of dealing with the multitude of children all chasing Marcia’s cupcakes and directing them to the water fountains for drinks. Her own children had swooped down and possessed themselves of more than their fair share of the cakes and run off before she could confiscate the surplus.

He appeared at the tuckshop window while she was handing Celie’s youngest the last of the pink cupcakes. Her heart went allpittapatat the sight of him looking sweaty and tired, putting on his jacket against the chill of the air.

‘You’ve overdone it.’

He used a handkerchief to mop his face and tucked it into his jacket pocket. ‘I need to do physical work or I won’t get fit.’

Celie offered him a cup of tea and he took it with a smile that sent Becca’s heart into overdrive.

‘I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Celie, Lucille Taite.’

Morgan put down the tea and gripped her extended hand. ‘Would you be married to Jordan Taite? He’s a cousin on my mother’s side.’

Celie nodded. ‘Eight years ago.’


‘Three children.’

Morgan blinked. ‘Hard to imagine Jordan embracing parenthood so enthusiastically. I’m sorry we haven’t met. One of the perils of leaving the country. Is he still as ambitious as ever?’

‘That’s him.’ Celie’s smile wobbled. ‘No doubt we’ll be seeing more of you. The whole family seem to be disaster prone at the moment.’

Morgan murmured something Celie responded to with a smile. Gathering her things together, she waved as she took her leave of them both. ‘I need to find the kids and get them home. You should be able to cope, Becca. Looks like the rush is over for now.’

With a wry smile, Morgan took up his tea and a cupcake. ‘The joy of small towns. I suppose I’ll get to know the new faces fast enough. Do you think I upset her when I said I was surprised about Jordan having kids?’

‘No. They’re having a tough time on the farm since his parents died, that’s all.’

He frowned after Celie. ‘I should have mentioned how sorry I was to hear about their loss. She’s not a local girl?’

‘No. She went to school with Jordan’s sister in Brisbane.’

‘Susannah? I remember her as being pretty but consumed with boys.’

‘She’s married.’ It came out in a snap and Becca hoped Morgan didn’t put it down to jealousy.

She wasn’t jealous. He could admire all the women he liked. Date them if he wanted. As long as he didn’t disrupt her carefully planned life with the twins. Although it might be too late to stop that happening.

He didn’t say anything, blowing gently on his tea, but his raised brows indicated he was surprised at her response. In an effort to keep her distance, Becca focused on the people beyond him and recognised the blonde schoolteacher rounding up a group of kindergarteners.

‘I didn’t know you were friends with Sabine?’ Oh great. Now she was showing off her jealousy in another direction.

‘Jealousy?’ Morgan hesitated with the last of a bright purple cupcake at his lips. ‘Who’s jealous? Of who?’

She was thinking out loud now?Becca glared at the school gate, wondering if she could make a break for it.

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