Page 28 of Christiano

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"I won't hurt you,tesoro. Trust me."

And the stupid thing is, I do trust him. I know he cares for me. If he didn't, he wouldn't have saved me and flown all this way to have a conversation about our relationship.

"How are we going to make this work? I'm pathologically untidy and you're a neat freak..."

"We have staff. Cara. People who get paid a lot of money to clean and tidy."

"Seriously? You have cleaning fairies? Wow. I think I'm in love," I joke, but his eyes darken. I gulp.

"Piccola, ti amo," he says softly before leaning down and kissing me. My heart melts and I shiver, despite the balmy sea air.

Of course he notices the way my nipples are now poking holes in my thin cotton tee.

"I think we need to head inside so I can show you exactly how much I've missed you," he purrs as he pulls me closer. I can feel how hard he is.

Thank fuck Aunt Jodie isn't home. He picks me up in his strong arms like I weigh nothing at all, and I direct him back to the beach house.

Thalia was right. Love is like a sledgehammer. Once it hits you over the head, you're brain-damaged for life. I guess it explains why I've lost all ability to form a coherent thought once Christiano throws me on my bed and proceeds to remind me exactly why I need him in my life.

Five orgasms later and I no longer need convincing.

He's the one for me and I love him.

The rest of the world can go fuck itself.



18 months later

Thalia puts the curling wand down and grins at me. "Yeah, purple suits you."

"You sure? I don't want to look shit on my wedding day."

She snorts with laughter. "You couldn't look shit if you tried, babe. Although I am disappointed you shot down my Barbie wedding theme idea. Barbie core is huge right now."

"Yeah, no. I much prefer my theme."

All I have to do now is put my wedding dress on. I've chosen a simple lilac silk dress to fit the relaxed vibe of our beach wedding. We're all here, in Montauk, at Aunt Jodie's beach house. Unlike Thalia's wedding, this is a small and intimate ceremony, with just a few close family and friends.NonnaFaugno was too sick to travel, thank fuck, but Mom is here, with her husband.

She still has no idea the Faugnos are Mafia. She thinks they are billionaire businessmen and the security detail is there because they have a shit ton of money and don't like the paparazzi. I did debate coming clean, but Aunt Jodie persuaded me it was pointless. Why worry her, she said.

"Honey, are you nearly ready?" Jodie comes in and stops dead when she sees me in my dress, my purple hair cascading down my back in shiny waves.

"Honey, you look beautiful." Her eyes glisten with unshed tears and she dabs them with a tissue. "Your husband-to-be is waiting. I suggest you hurry as your mom is currently quizzing him about when she can expect grandkids."

Oh fuck my life. I've told her I'm not ready for kids. I haven't graduated college yet!

Thalia smothers a laugh and I glare at her. It's all her fault. She's eight months pregnant and glowing. I fucking hate that bitch sometimes. No way will I look like that when I'mpregnant. More likely I'll turn into a whale and Christiano won't want me anymore.

Thalia, on the other hand, is more beautiful than ever. Salvo can't keep his hands or dick away from her. Even though she was supposed to have a sleepover with me last night, I know damn well she sneaked out once she thought I was asleep. I heard the pair of them fucking like rabbits in the bathroom across the hall. Thalia is not quiet when she has sex. I'm pretty sure the whole of Montauk heard her coming. I'm just relieved that my mom and Jodie elected to stay in a hotel, or it would have been super embarrassing.

If it wasn't bad luck to see the groom before the wedding, I'd have visited Christiano in the attic room and done the same. That's how jealous I was.

"Mom can get over it," I tell Jodie. "No grandkids for her anytime soon. Or ever, if I have my way. Hamish is my baby and he's demanding enough."

He's staying with Maisie while we get married. Christiano said there was no way on this earth he was leaving Hamish in the apartment again, not after he shredded all the blinds and peed on the bed the last time we left him with Romano in charge. It turned out Hamish and Romano didn't get along. I still have the video footage of Romano screaming while Hamish tries to climb him like a tree. It's fucking hilarious.

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