Page 56 of Beneath The Surface

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The girls had planned spa treatments after a relaxing morning in the sun. It worked perfectly for me as excitement grew; I wanted to freshen up my tan and needed a spa day. Martha and Nicole had a boat coming to where we were around six-thirty, with a fully equipped spa to do nails, feet, and pre-wedding prep before the evening massage.

I was in heaven, and I couldn’t remember the last time I had a spa day. The caterers cooked a wonderful lunch for the ladies, and I felt a ping of guilt and sadness: the guys would haveto fend for themselves. Then I thought,Hell, they're probably at the local watering hole by now.Sadness and guilt jumped overboard as I smiled.

The ladies sunbathed a few hours and drank champagne. There was nonstop chatter about the preparations for dinner, but Martha conferred with the catering staff and wouldn’t let me lift a finger. After a quick shower, I met the rest of the ladies in the dining room, where there was a spread of the finest steaks, salad, and sushi. I was utterly impressed as my mouth gaped open in surprise. “This is so lovely. I can’t believe this dinner; it’s so elegant.”

I looked around where the staff had started decorating for tomorrow’s wedding. I felt overwhelmed as I sat down, wondering if it was the sun, champagne, or the beautiful decoration. Maybe even a combo of all of them. I had to sit, that was all I knew. I thought maybe it was the need for solid food. I had only had a glass or two of champagne and passed on the mixed drinks; I didn’t want to be puffy or hungover on my wedding day.

I thought of Parker more than once, and my heart ached as I missed him. I took solace in the fact that tomorrow, I’d not only see him, but I’d also be his wife.

The food melted in my mouth as I ate. I couldn’t get enough of the steak or the potato; the sushi was fixed to perfection. I was again impressed with the menu and glad I had hired this crew.

As the sun set, we hopped aboard an adjoining vessel and were treated like queens. I got a French manicure and pedicure. Once that was done, I received a facial and a massage. Feeling like putty from being so relaxed, I climbed back on our boat withCaptain Sarah’s help. After everyone was safely on board, I bid them a good night and retired. Exhaustion swept over me as I lay on the bed, my phone dinged. I picked it up to see it was Parker:

I love you, baby.

Tomorrow, you’ll be Mrs. Davis.

I smiled and typed back:

I love you too,

Mr. Davis. Sweet dreams.

Lying back on the pillow, I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been this tired, closing my eyes before I even put my phone down. I slept wonderfully as fairy tales floated through my head throughout the night. In the dreams my dress was on, and my eyes met Parker’s as the doors to the upper deck opened.

Then I’d wake up. Rubbing my eyes, feeling surprisingly rested, I went into the galley in my robe.

“Good morning, Miss Liv. Can I get you some coffee?” Tina, one of the housekeepers, asked. I noticed she wore a name tag and was grateful for that. I hated that remembering names was so hard for me.

“That would be wonderful, Tina. Do you know if anyone is up and about yet?” She nodded as she handed me fresh coffee. I wandered out to the deck and found the other ladies. We exchanged good mornings and were busy talking about the day’s festivities when El asked for permission to come aboard the boat early. He was, after all, giving me away.


Keep smiling because life is a beautiful thing, and there's so much to smile about. Marilyn Monroe

“Hi, lovey. You look so beautiful.” El hugged me and kissed my cheek. “I have something for you. It’s something your mother gave me before she passed away and made me promise to give to you the day you got married.”

Overcome by shock, my eyes welled up with tears as he spoke, and I took a seat in fear I might fall or pass out. I wasn’t sure, but I suddenly felt lightheaded. As he continued talking, I looked at the ground and played with the earring I held in my right hand, twirling it all around the whole time he spoke.

“Liv, love. I need you to look at me.”

Without a word, I stood and faced him. He took my shoulders and held me steady. “I need to give you something from your mom.” El reached into the interior pocket of his suit jacket and brought out a small box. He handed it to me; I took it and held it in my hand for a moment after dropping the earring to the floor. Before opening it with shaking hands, I examined the box. Finally, I looked inside at its contents. Tears streamed down my face, there was no stopping them, and I couldn’t help but thinkShit, there goes my makeup. It must have been my defense mechanism.

I took out a small piece of paper that lay beside a ring inside the box, knowing the ring had come from my grandmother. It was a sterling silver ring with a perfect emerald setting on top of a simple band. The ring had two one-karat diamonds on either side. I unfolded the note and read it:

My dear baby girl,

We took on the world together for so many years. I’m sorry you’ve never met your father or had any siblings. I thought our love was strong and there was no need for anyone else. Looking back, I was wrong. Know that I’m here with you today, on your wedding day. Wear this ring on your right hand as a symbol of my presence. I know you’re beautiful and have chosen the right person to share your life and love with. There is one more thing El must give you.

All my love,


Unable to speak, I put the note back in the box and the ring on the third finger of my right hand. Wiping my tears, I looked up at El, wondering what was yet to come. “She said you had something else you must give me?” Sniffing, I tried to do everything I could not to lose it altogether. El held me in his arms, giving me a moment to process what had just occurred. Finally releasing me, he reached into his other pocket to produce a medal wrapped in a blue handkerchief.

My brows furrowed in curiosity and uncertainty, and my sniffles quieted down, as had the tears that flowed so freely moments ago. I took the hanky and opened it up; another note was barely legible due to age. The medal looked to me like a medal of honor from the military. Rolling it around in my hands, I opened the second note with a heavy heart. I felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. Not sure how much more I could take, I started to read the letter.

Hi Liv. You don’t know me, but I’m your father.

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