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“I’ll do the same. The clock is ticking, so we need to be fast, and if we can’t look into something, so be it.” With that, I ventured through my side of the place, following a long corridor full of rooms.

As per Mia’s information, most of the members were away, either running “errands” or at their places away from there, so there weren’t a lot of people to dodge. How she got that information was anyone’s guess, but that was a question for another moment.

I directed the drone as we went, making sure the path was clear for each of us. I was about to turn back and end my part of the reckoning when something caught my attention.

One of the rooms had the door closed. The space was like a compound, it made sense they had rooms for the members, at least the high-ranked ones. This one seemed to belong to Matias S. I didn’t know what the “S” stood for, but I knew in my gut it was the same Matias we were looking for.

I checked for any sound from inside, and when nothing happened, I picked the lock, eased the door open, and strode inside, checking for anything that could lead us to him or the reasons why he was after us. The place was a mess, and the father in me wanted to tidy it up.

I investigated the space as thoroughly as my short time allowed me. There were receipts, written addresses, instructions, photos. And a ring I’d recognize everywhere.

The same ring I gave Andrea when I proposed.

But what felt like a punch to the stomach was the picture lying on the ground between his bed and an open shoe box. My baby and I were smiling at each other, Haley by our side, in front of By Any Beans. The focus seemed to be on the three of us, but I could also see Mia and Ben in the background.

My insides froze, and I was startled by Ben’s voice in my ear, reminding me of where I was. “I’m heading back.”

I slipped the photo into my pocket and noticed the shoe box on the floor had more photos inside. I picked it up, and on instinct, snatched the written notes with instructions. Then I headed out of there.

“I’m almost out. Mia, what’s your position?”

“Heading out as well. Huge waste of time on my part. I’m going...damn.”

“What? What happened?” I couldn’t take another punch to the gut; I was still absorbing the photo.

“Mia, where are you? I can come to you.” Ben sounded as agitated as I felt.

“Nothing wrong. Actually, it’s amazing. You guys head out, I’m going to be a few minutes late.”

“What the fuck! What for?”

“I just found what seems to be their conference room. No one around and lots of files. A freaking Holy Grail.”

“We don’t have time for that, Mia. The security system will be back in a few minutes, we need to get out,” I admonished her, although having whatever information they had in that room could be our breakthrough.

“I can’t leave this behind. You guys go ahead, I’m right behind you.”

“Fuck, Mia. The last time you said that you almost got killed.” What Ben didn’t say but we all thought was that it was also the day Zach was gone.

“Just wait for me outside, Benjamin.”

Before things escalated between them, I instructed, “Ben, wait outside or come to me, I have my eyes on her and can see if anyone approaches. Mia, you have four minutes.”

I guided the drone to where she was, but I could only watch from the outside of the room, so I had no idea what she was doing. It was one of the longest four minutes I endured.

“Time is running up.”

“Just a little bit more. This is going to be huge.”

Instead of waiting outside, Ben came to me so we could watch her together. And intervene if necessary.

“She’s fucking stubborn,” Ben muttered.

I checked the drone again, and my insides froze. “Fuck. They’re approaching. Mia, get out of that room now. They’re going your way.”

“I’m almost done.”

“If you don’t get out now, they’ll see you.” My palms were starting to sweat. Ben and I were too far away from her to keep the men from getting to the room.

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