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She groaned and turned back on her heels. “Maybe we should discuss this somewhere safe, like the company.”

Danny burst out laughing. “You think it’s safe there? Why do you think we found Ben and Izzie so early that day in his office?”

Aaron chuckled—which I wasn’t sure he could do—as Mia made a face.

“Man, how long has this been going on? Fine, then we’ll talk tomorrow, in the lobby, where people can see us from the street, and where I think none of you tried any funny business.”

After that, we waited in somewhat relieved silence for the doctor to give us the all-clear as we drank the tea I made. After she consulted Sonia, Sofia, and me, the others got ready to leave, and Aaron peered at Mia.

“Don’t you have anything to ask Ariel?”

Mia gazed at him with her brows raised. “Really? I was kind of joking,” she mumbled. “But okay.” She turned to the doctor and pointed her thumb at him. “Ariel, do you want to go out with Aaron?”

The man turned red—which I wouldn’t deem possible—and Danny snorted. “About your health.”

“That makes more sense. The man is almost pushing forty, he can arrange his own dates,” she muttered.

“Mia!” Danny warned.

“Hum, nothing about my health. I’m healthy. Super-duper healthy.” Danny looked at her pointedly, like he did to Sofia when he was scolding her. Mia scrunched her nose and rolled her eyes but caved. “Can I...schedule another appointment with you?”

The woman smiled at Mia. She had a wonderful smile and seemed to entrance her friend. Aaron looked equal parts enthralled and regretful. We said our goodbyes, and they turned to leave.

“Please, wait for a second, Ariel. It’s late, I don’t want you to drive alone. I’ll follow you home.”

“I can take care of myself.”


She took in a deep breath and ended up relenting, saying she’d wait for him to finish things up with us.

“Haley, Izzie, and the kids went to Rosie and Jackson. I’ve already informed Ben, so he went straight to your parents.” He tipped his chin at Mia. “The other agent is looking after them until tomorrow, so maybe you should go there, too.”

“Thank you, Aaron. But I’m going to head home.”

“You’ll stay alone at your place? It’d be safer if you were all in one space.”

She shook her head, and her shoulders fell before she whispered, “I can’t go back there. Not yet.” She cleared her throat. “Let’s meet up to discuss what happened. Just say when, and we can schedule a meeting at the shoebox we’re working at.”

She waved at the grown-ups and leaned down to press a lingering kiss on Sofia’s temple, who was back on my lap.

Fee looked up and hugged Mia’s neck. “Thank you, Auntie Mia.”

Mia winked at her. “Us girls have got to stick together.” She squeezed my arm again, then turned on her heels and left.

Aaron watched her go, a disturbed look on his face. “She hasn’t been to her parents’ yet?”

Danny shook his head. “The last time she went there was for Zach’s memorial. Before that, it was for last Thanksgiving. She and Zach weren’t on the best of terms. A few days later, everything happened.” Aaron rubbed his face, a defeated look in his eyes as Danny inspected him closely. “If you know something that might help her get some closure, the right thing to do is tell her.”

Not looking him in his eyes, Aaron mumbled something unintelligible and said goodbye, deliberately ignoring Danny’s distrust.

Overcoming whatever suspicion he had, Danny called him again. When the man turned to him, Danny pulled him into a tight embrace. “Thank you,” he choked out.

Surprised at first, it took Aaron a while to hug my man. He slapped Danny’s back. “That’s what friends do.” When they stepped away, even he looked emotional. “It’s been a long night. Actually, it’s been a long couple of years. But we’ll put an end to it. Everything will get back to normal.”

“I highly doubt that will ever be the case.” Danny looked down and closed his eyes. “Even if we stop the cartel tonight, we’d still have lost more than we bargained for.”

Pursing his lips and avoiding Danny’s eyes, Aaron turned on his heels and went away to a waiting Dr. Ariel Miller.

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