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Mia cursed. “Fucking hell, someone’s shooting at us. They’re at the gate. Ben, stay away from the entrance, circle the property.”

“Got it.I’ll take the other side so we can corner him.”

“We need to side their walls so we don’t lose Matias, we can’t distance from the building,” I explained. More shots were fired against us. “Hijo de puta.”

Mia pushed her seat back and pulled a rifle from under it. “Aaron, I just sent you our location. Ben is going the other way around. Find a way to triangulate with us. Now excuse me. I have a few scorpions to shoot.”

She put on a canceling noise headphone, opened the solar window, stepped on her seat, and positioned her rifle on the top of the car. She fired against our shooters, and from the rearview, I saw two of them fall from the security towers.

Mia slipped onto her seat again, vomiting colorful expletives. “Those freaking turds almost shot me.This is a new car. I’ll be damned if they’ll ruin another one.”

“Are you okay?” Ben and I asked in unison. We needed her alive, for a multitude of reasons.

“Yeah, yeah, just keep going. Matias is alone for now; we need to act fast.”She massaged her left earand then reloaded her weapon. “Can you get any closer? I might be able to shoot a tire.”

“If Sofia is still inside the car, that might be dangerous.”

“Not if we’re on a clearing. Benny, where are you?”

“Almost around the property. I’m about to meet you, guys.”

“Hold on a bit. Aaron?”

“Getting closer. And I’m bringing reinforcement.”

She looked around, then pulled the photos we’d collected while investigating the place—before we knew Matias would try to bring my baby here. “Another car, or are they driving with you?”

“Another car. Why?”

“Switch places with us.”

“What?” I freaked. “We can’t do that! We’re going to lose Matias.”

“No, we won’t. There’s a slaughterhouse nearby, that’s where he’s headed. We don’t need to follow him anymore because we can get there on our own. We cut his path again. And we’re the only ones driving as a pair.”

“What differences does that make?”

“I can shoot while you drive. Do you trust me?” There was nothing I could do but nod. “Benny, can you get there?”

“On it.”

“Aaron, take our position and pressure them from behind.” She turned to me. Follow the hollow path to our left. Benny will get Matias’s right. We corner him before he enters the building again.”

I did as she instructed, but I had orders of my own. “Don’t let Andrea run away. I want her ass rotting in jail. And Matias is mine.”

She nodded. “Deal. You kill Matias, and I get Andrea.”

“No one is killing anyone. We need them both alive,” Aaron warned.

“Aww, but I want to shoot her,” Mia whined.

“Not unless you need to.”

“But I’m already reloaded.”

“You three shouldn’t even be a part of this.”

“Let me at least get her leg, and Danny gets Matias.”

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