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She kissed me softly, hopefully saving more for later. “Now April and I need to come up with a name. No matter what we think, it just seems stupid.”

“What about Milk-Shakespeare?” I blurted and felt my face redden. “I’m sorry, that’s dumb. We’ll think of a better one.”

“I think I love it. You, Mr. Delgado, are full of good ideas.”

I kissed her lips again because I couldn’t help myself. “Well, I brought you here, didn’t I?”

We resumed our interactions with the others at our table, and I felt lighter than I could remember. When Jimmy stood up to go to the bathroom, unable to control himself, Mark stared at the guy as he traipsed through the parlor.

Lisa giggled at him. “I agree. He does have a nice butt.”

Mark turned bright red and widened his eyes when he realized he’d been caught.

“Of course, he has,” Mr. Cross grumbled. “He’s in his late twenties. I want to see him have a nice behind when he’s in his eighties.”

Mia threw her head back in laughter. “Are you fishing for compliments, John? I’m sure your butt’s still tight.”

As Lisa and Izzie snorted, I couldn’t help wondering what the hell was going on.

“My Daisy did like my heinie.” It was the first real smile he gave all night. “It was a really good one,” he nodded. Then remembering his grumpy role in Holy Water, he frowned and turned his moodiness to Mark. “Are you fond of the boy?” The poor guy fidgeted on his seat, and Ben looked smug at my side, for once not being the target of Mr. Cross’s judgment. “Because I like him. He gives me tea and cookies.”

“He’s a great man.” I admired him for keeping a steady voice, even under the old man’s scrutiny.

Mr. Cross pointed an arthritic finger at Mark. “He is. And you better always remember that. I don’t care if you’re the minister’s son. If I heard you’ve wronged that boy, I’ll have your father red your buttocks.”

Ironically, his cheeks turned red. “I was...I’m planning...I want to ask him out.”

Mr. Cross’s bushy brows furrowed even deeper as he inspected him up and down. “I’ll allow it.”

Mia scoffed. “It’s so generous of you to give two grown men permission to date.”

“Are you sassing me, Ms. Mia?” Despite his words, there was no bite on his voice.

“I wouldn’t dare.”

We all knew she would.

The night went on with games and music. At some point, Mia and Lisa started talking, while Ben pulled Izzie to dance. Seeing the once-averse-to-relationships-man-turned-father dancing with the woman he loved in the middle of a sea of seniors was as unexpected as it was inspiring. I couldn’t be happier for him.

Even though Haley wasn’t there with us, at least she wasn’t alone, having found a speck of solace with Rosie and Jackson. It was a way for them to honor Zach’s memory and the family he was creating with her and Gabe.

I knew Mia wasn’t healed. I still witnessed moments where she lost herself in her guilt and self-punishing thoughts. But the fact she was willing to go out, even if it was with the town’s old grump, showed she was a little better. It was the first time she went out for fun and not work since it all happened.

And me, after the marriage from hell and loss of one of my best friends, I found myself raising my baby girl with a wonderful woman intent on making sure we were both cared for and—if I wasn’t mistaken—loved.

It was inebriating. Whenever I looked at her or so much as thought about Lisa, I was awash with happiness. Like things were starting to fit in their right places. Like I was waiting so long for her and some force above decided to grant me my wildest wish.

I felt like nothing could go wrong. And that feeling was as empowering as it was dangerous.


I had no idea the seniors knew how to party. The Bingo night progressed longer than I’d expected, but it was worth it.

Lisa turned to me in her seat as I drove her to her place. “I can’t remember a night when I had so much fun. Tonight was wonderful, Danny. Thank you.”

I gazed at her and back to the road, lifted the hand I was holding, and kissed it. “I’m glad to hear that. Who knew being with the elderly was fun?”

“They were a blast. It was a party for lots of grandparents. People should appreciate the elderly’s night at AIO.” She sighed with contentment.

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