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I winked. “You’re too old to be so naive.”

Danny smiled at me but then sighed heavily. “This day didn’t go according to my plan.”

“I’m sorry if Sofia and I being here made things worse.”

“It actually made it all better. My baby is next door, my woman is on my lap. I just didn’t want my past to dirty what was supposed to be a great afternoon.”

“So, tell me about that great afternoon. Maybe we still can salvage it.”

He closed his eyes as I continued playing with his hair. “After my call with our client, I’d take you and Sofia to Beans. Then we’d stroll down Main Street, holding hands. Maybe stop for ice cream.” He leaned his head to kiss my neck. “Later on, while my mom watched Sofia, you and I would make out like teenagers. Maybe I could eat you.” That sounded enticing. “And right before I drove you home, I’d ask you out on our first date.”

A smile broke free on my lips. “I think we still have time for all that.”

“You think?” He seemed calmer already, like the laid-back, sweet man who was making me fall.

“We should at least try.”

More than try, we accomplished it.


I couldn’t even remember the last time I went on a first date. I guessed it was with Andrea, but I had no memories of any of our dates. It was like any other woman was erased from my mind, leaving space only for Lisa.

Dressed in dark jeans and a black button-down shirt, I hoped it was enough to impress her. I was never a suit kind of guy, and I wanted her to meet the real me. But I also wanted her to like what she saw. The only other females I worked to impress were my baby and mom—for very different reasons—so that night and my efforts toward Lisa were a big deal.

I was thankful to my mom for staying with Sofia for the night. Very differently from when I was with Andrea, Sonia Delgado finally seemed to have approved of the woman I chose. Another thing that eased my anxiety was seeing how thrilled Fee was that I was going out with Lisa—although she made it very clear she thought it was unfair she wasn’t coming with us.

I walked up the steps to Lisa’s parents’ house and knocked on the door. As she yelled she was coming, a teenager opened the door.

“You must be Drew.” The boy shook my hand. “I’m Danny Delgado. I’m—”

“Lisa’s boyfriend. I know.” He stepped back so I could come inside. “She’s still putting shit on her face; she’ll be down in a sec.”

“Language,” his mother scolded him. “Hello, Mr. Delgado.”

“Hi, Mrs. Specter. Please, call me Danny.”

“Then call me Enid.”

I smiled and handed her the bowl I was carrying. “This is for you. It’s atres lechescake. My mother made it, and I assure you it’s delicious.”

“That’s so sweet of you both, thank you. Please, sit down.”

I also couldn’t recall the last time I was so nervous about meeting my date’s parents. Maybe it was around prom. But it was different. At prom, I was nervous because her father might’ve shot me if he knew what my teenage self wanted to do. With Lisa’s parents, it was because I needed them to accept me in her life.

I walked to the living room to find her father. “Hi, Mr. Specter. How are you doing?”

“Danny! Great to see you.” He shook my hand. “Sit down, sit down. I’m waiting for my soap opera to start. It’s really good.”


“Yes! Do you watch it?”

“I’ve seen a few episodes. My mom loves it.”

“It’s such a great show.” He stared back at his TV. “’re taking my daughter out.” Since it wasn’t a question—and I didn’t know what he expected of me—I just nodded. “Where are you going?”

“Hum, All In One.”

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