Page 122 of One Wrong Move

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“I’m not.”

Deckard looked at Harper. “I thought no one else here believed Andi was innocent.”

“In the lab. And I didn’t know until right now that Mack did.”

“No one ever asked my opinion,” Mack said.

What was it with people copping out because no one asked?Step up,people.

Mack leaned forward, resting his arms on the counter. “You’re one of those private detectives, right?”

“Yes.” Was this it? Had Mack seen what happened with the shirt?

Mack looked around. Deckard followed his gaze. No one else was present, thankfully.

Mack leaned his whole torso on the counter, his mouth nearly flush with the cage. “I’m not proud of this, and this has to remain between us. Detective-client privilege and all that.”

Not exactly how that worked.

Mack took a sharp inhale, then released it in a nasally stream. “I think my wife is cheating on me.”

Okay, not at all what he was expecting.

“Can you help me out?”

“I’d be happy to help when this investigation is complete.”

“Great. And the money? I don’t have a lot. That’s why I haven’t hired a PI yet.”

“I’m sure we can work something out.” Deckard didn’t do cheating spouse cases. His expertise centered on cons and scams, but for Mack—if the man was going to be helpful—he’d make an exception.

“Okay. All I can tell you is what I know.”

“Which is?”

Mack shifted his head, the overhead light hitting the gray in his dark hair cropped short. Once convinced they were still alone, he sat back, linking his arms over his robust stomach. “You ask. I’ll answer.”

“Were you working when Andi brought in the evidence from Anne Marlowe’s case?”


“And did you go through the contents of the box?”

“No. That’s up to the analyst to properly pack it up and store it. Andi was the last on the chain of custody. She signed it in the logbook, stored it, and then headed out. Nothing unusual there.”

“And the day she was accused of taking an item from the box?”

“I wasn’t on shift. Randy Fox was.”

Harper frowned. “But the schedule sheet said it was you.”

“Then it’s wrong.”

Great. Someone on the inside had altered it. The question was, who was responsible for it all? His money was on Todd.

“Can we see the logbook from that day?” Harper asked.

“Oh...” Mack sat back. “I’m not supposed to show those.”

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