Page 82 of The Ghost Orchid

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“Who told you that?”

“Not important. Did you sell it to her?”

“It was anüber-clean stone,” said Kilic. “One point five eight carats, went all the way to fucking Sydney, Australia, to score it. Plus other stuff, but nothing as good, not close.”

“Any of the other stuff go to Meagin?”

“No, but I’d sold her regular diamonds, great stones. Always gaveher a good price. Gave her a good price on that one because she made it easy. Paid right away, the checks always cleared. And she was the coolest person. One of the coolest I’ve dealt with.”


“Decisive. She liked something, she bought it, there was none of this let-me-think-about-it bullshit, then you don’t hear from them. Then you do and it’s gone and they get pissed off.”

“Did Meg pay for the purple diamond with a check?”

“Purple fancyintense,” said Kilic. “Never saw anything like it. Once in a lifetime you see something like that. Barely made a profit at the price I gave her.”

“What price was that?”

Kilic’s eyelids lowered, hooding bloodshot sclera and mustard-colored irises. The pale spots created by initial shock had deepened to olive green, like a chameleon adapting to its surroundings. The more time I spent with him, the more lizard-like he seemed.

He folded his arms across his chest. “Why do you need to know that?”

“We’re learning as much as we can about Meagin in order to find out who brutalized her.”

“Bruta— she was raped?”

“Can’t get into details, Mr. Kilic. So what was the price of the stone?”

“What have you been told?”

“Two hundred thousand dollars.”

“Have you also been told it was a bargain?”

“We have.”

“So you know. That I helped her.”

I said, “We also know you gave her two separate invoices for a hundred each. How come?”

Milo’s green eyes sparked. Bobby Kilic’s mustard pebbles, dull by comparison, did a slow slide to the left.

“What’s the difference?” he said.

“Both receipts are dated identically so it wasn’t a matter of paying in installments.”


Milo said, “How come, Mr. Kilic?”

Kilic breathed in. Began coughing and loosened his arms and used one fist to pound his chest. “I don’t see what this has to do with any murder.”

“The relevance, sir, is what it tells us about Meagin’s relationships. Speaking of which, what do you know about that?”

“Nothing.I don’t get into that with clients.”


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