Page 72 of The Ghost Orchid

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“In the Rolls?”

“What else? Gets him great valet parking.”

“Bon appétit,road warrior.”

She laughed and hung up.

He said, “Car’s worth fifteen G but looks like a million. There’s gotta be a moral in that.” He rubbed his face. “Where the hell are those maids?”

I said, “If they weren’t hired through an agency, maybe it was a personal referral.”


“Her spa buddies.”

On-hold purgatory at Dr. Lana Demarest’s dental office was soundtracked by a spiel about baby teeth. When someone finally broke in, it was an answering service operator. Closed for the day.

At Toni Bowman’s real estate company, a receptionist listened, and put Milo on hold during four minutes of felonious Beatle adaptation. “Yesterday” and “I’ll Follow the Sun” debased by flatulent tuba and trombone and ice-rink Hammond organ.

Milo said, “Sadists,” and rubbed his eyes and looked at his Timex.

Finally: “Here you go, sir.”

“God bless—”

Toni Bowman said, “You’re into the holy roller stuff?”

Milo said, “Whatever helps,” and told her what he was after.

She said, “So no progress. Yeah, she asked me for a referral because her genius husband had hired a service who did a lousy job. I talked to my Rosa. She’s a gem, I knew anyone she vouched for would be golden.”

“Could you please ask Rosa if she has addresses for Ms. Ruiz and Ms. Santiago?”

“Meg hired two people? I only know of one, a friend of Rosa’s, no idea what her name is and you’ll have to wait to find out. Rosa’s on vacation in Mexico for another week.”

Milo said, “Long as we’re talking, do you know of any connection Meagin had to San Pietro?”

“Where’s that?”

“Ventura County.”

“She never mentioned it. Why?”

“She phoned up there.”

“A lot?”


“Sounds like you’re grasping at straws,” said Toni Bowman.

“Sometimes it comes to that, ma’am. Thanks for your time and when you do have a chance to talk to Rosa, please let me know.”

“I’ll have a chance in a week,” said Toni Bowman. “I have no idea how to reach her in her little village. And don’t ask me which one it is, all I know is they keep chickens, she once showed me a photo of chickens.”

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