Page 46 of The Ghost Orchid

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Milo said, “Makes sense. So what, exactly, was his job?”

“The official title was West Coast sales manager. We have not penetrated the California market as much as we’d like. Better in New York but America, in general, has been difficult. Our shoes take time to produce and the American way isal più presto—as soon as possible. We would like to make an adaptation. Perhaps to partner with an American manufacturer.”

Milo said, “Gio was sent to explore that in L.A.”

“Gio was learning about L.A.”

“The house he was living in—”

“We took care of that,” said Claudio Aggiunta. “Also his car.” Single head shake. “He wanted another Ferrari, we settled on a Maserati with a smaller engine…we took care of everything. His expenses, his allowance. We were happy to do it. Now…” His face crumpled. “What else can I tell you?”

“Anything you think would be helpful.”

“I know nothing that would be helpful, Lieutenant. Every year I live I seem to know less about everything.”

He grimaced. “I was assigned the arrangements. For bringing Gio back. What must I do?”

Milo, long accustomed to guiding family members through the process of body retrieval, explained slowly, clearly, gently. Then he handed over a list of county phone numbers he’d compiled and run off in multiples. Serious stack. The entire contents of a bottom desk drawer.

Claudio Aggiunta scanned but his eyes clouded. “A process. When will my brother be…free?”

“There are still things to investigate, sir, so not immediately. More likely in a few days. If you need to return home, we can help you handle the transfer with phone calls and email. You should probably also talk to the Italian consulate.”

Aggiunta worked his phone. “It’s in Century City. Looks not far from here…okay, I will do what I need to do. Of course, I would prefer to bring Gio home now. To present my parents with…how many days is a few?”

“I wish I could be precise, sir.”

Aggiunta thought about that. “Perhaps I will fly to New York. There are business matters to be managed…does that sound cold? It is not. I need to be busy, Lieutenant. To think about simple things.”

“That makes total sense, sir.”

“You are kind, thank you. You will keep me informed?”

“I will, sir.”

Aggiunta looked at him. “I believe you will.”

Another brief handshake was followed by a return to the elevator.

Claudio Aggiunta said, “Am I allowed to ride down by myself?”

“You are.”

“Then I would prefer to do that. Thank you for your time, Lieutenant. And Alex.”



The elevator door closed on Claudio Aggiunta.

Milo said, “Class act.”

I said, “Carrying a big load.”

“He does the all work so Gio’s free to enroll in Playboy One oh One.”

“Gio may have been outwardly carefree but there was a sad side to him. Growing up as the non-achiever, then he gets dumped by an eighteen-year-old and reacts by attempting suicide and dropping out of school. That says low resilience. He disappears for three years and returns focused exclusively on older women. Which has a rigid, almost frantic quality to it. Though it did make him an ideal match for Meagin.”

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