Page 138 of The Ghost Orchid

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We spent another half hour talking. Discussing math, science, videogames, BMX biking, his friends at school. Eventually, he veered back to what he liked about Wendy and William’s house. Their three other kids. Them. Eventually he returned to the people who were relinquishing him.

“They have problems. I don’t want to be one of them.”

Uttered with conviction and just the slightest flicker of eyelash.

Time was nearly up and there’s no point in opening up worm cans unless you’re going to be sitting for a while and fishing.

I asked him if there was anything else he wanted to tell me.

“Just thanks for not seeing this as weird. So when do I come back for those tests?”

“How about tomorrow?”

“Sure. What will you be asking me?”

I smiled. “All kinds of things.”

He smiled back. “You can’t tell me.”

“Nothing wrong with a bit of mystery.”

He laughed. “Sure, why not. Wendy said you won’t be taking my blood or giving me shots. Which I knew anyway, but she cares about me.”

“That’s for sure. If you have questions later today, here’s my card.”

He examined it. “Ph.D. You need top grades for that.”

“You do.”

“Maybe one day I’ll get one. In chemistry or physics.”

“Keep up the straight A’s.”

“Sure—how do you know?”

“Lucky guess.”

He laughed. “But I still need those tests.”

“People like numbers.”

“I do, Dr. Delaware. I find them easy. The big number in my head is two.”

“How so?” I said.

“I’ve been rescued twice.”

We left the house together and walked down to the Escalade. Both lawyers must’ve seen us coming because they shot out of opposite doors. Edgy, like students waiting for test results.

I said, “Derek has educated me. Sounds like a great plan.”

Jack Toth said, “There you go.”

Wendy Sugihara looked ready to kiss me. Stepped forward and did, pressing her lips briefly to my cheek.

Toth said, “You won’t get that from me, Doc.”

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