Page 85 of Best Vacation Ever

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Dean and I break apart at the sound of my name being called, and I have to blink a few times to rid myself of this hypnotic state. Adam emerges from behind a group of people. Did he see that almost-kiss between me and Dean? Is that why he called out to me? To stop it from happening?

No, that can’t be it, because he looks around the crowd as if trying to spot me, and when he does, he heads over.

“I thought I saw you here,” Adam says when he stops in front of us.

I can’t tell what Dean’s thinking because I’m too terrified to look at him, too terrified to show him how disappointed I am that the spell we were under has broken, and that our almost-kiss was interrupted.

“Here I am,” I say weakly.

He glances back and forth between Dean and my probably bright-red face before saying, “Did something happen with Faye?”

His question takes me so off guard I completely forget about the kiss-that-would’ve-been.

“What? No, why?”

His eyebrows draw together like he doesn’t quite believe me.

“Because it’s barely midnight, and she told me she wasn’t feeling good and went up to her room . . . and then guilt-tripped me about it.”

There’s so much to unpack in that sentence, I don’t even know where to start.

Faye must have run into Adam and lied about not feeling good, since she can’t exactly tell him she’s leaving to do naughty things with his best friend. But what does he mean about guilt-tripping? Is he feeling bad about how he’s treated Faye?

Especially after I also said something to him about it?

“Um, no,” I say. “She must’ve just been tired. Nothing happened.”

He seems to struggle with that before he gives a long-suffering sigh. “I’ll go check on her.”

Wait, what?

And with that, he turns and wades through the crowd and toward the exit, leaving me staring after him.

He’s going to check on Faye . . . who’s currently in the room with Kellan . . . doing things Adam would kill them both for if he found out . . . and he’s going there . . . to the room . . . where hewillcatch them in the act . . . and then kill them both.

My logic circles until I come to one conclusion: I need to stop him.

“You all right?” Dean asks, and I wonder how long I was standing there with wide eyes staring at nothing.

“Yes. I’ll—uh—be right back. Sorry!” I take off after Adam before Dean can reply.

I may be naïve sometimes, but even I know how this looks—like I’m fleeing from Dean after our would-be kiss. All I do is run from Dean, so it punches me right in the gut that he’s going to believe that’s what’s happening again. There’s nothing I’d like more than to pick up where we left off and feel his strong arms wrapped around me, feel our hearts beating fast in our chests, feel the pressure of his lips against mine, but my best friend needs me right now. I need to make sure Adam doesn’t see Kellan leaving our room and connect the dots, so all I can do is chase after Adam and hope Dean knows I wanted that kiss, that I’m not running from him, not this time.

Adam’s nowhere in sight, so I jog all the way back to our hotel and sprint up the stairs.

“I know you’re in there, Faye,” he says as he knocks on the door to our room.

Crap. Crap crap CRAP!He’s going to flip and they’re going to argue, and Faye’s going to act tough, but it’s going to kill her to have Adam mad at her, especially since he’s not the most affectionate brother to begin with. She’s not ready to tell Adam about her and Kellan. Hell, she barely knows what’s going on between the two of them, so it’s way too soon to throw Adam being pissed at them into the mix.

“Adam?” I call out before I even have a plan. How can I get him away from here? How can I distract him?

He turns to me as I close the distance between us. “Why is she ignoring me?” he asks. “I can hear her moving around in there. Is someone else in there?”

He’s about to knock on the door again, and before I know what I’m doing, I throw myself at him, wrap my arms around his neck, and kiss him.

He’s too shocked to move.I’mtoo shocked to move. But after a beat, his hands grip my waist, and he kisses me back, transforming the kiss from a simple press of the lips and deepening it, stirring me into action. We’re kissing,reallykissing, and it hits me thatI’m kissing Adam Murray, and it feels . . . nice? But where are the sparks? Where are the toe curls?

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