Page 37 of Best Vacation Ever

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And if I did?

Then I’m right, like always.

I shake the memory from my mind. No. I can’t tell him I like him, because it’ll only end in smugness from Kellan for being “right,” and humiliation for me. Plus, if I tell him I like him and he doesn’t feel the same, it’s going to changeeverythingbetween the two of us. No more late-night talks or surprise donuts, and definitely no more kissing and touching. I’m not making the first move, not unless I’m confident he feels the same way.

“If he sees me with other guys, he’ll realize what he’s missing.”

I didn’t recognize that I really liked Kellan until I started getting jealous. If he sees me with other guys and realizes that I’m not sitting around pining for him, then he’ll get jealous and realize he wants me too, right? It always works in the movies.

“You can’t tell anyone, Dyl. Promise me.”

Dylan stares at me for a few beats before he sighs, the fight seeping out of his tense shoulders. “If you’re going to commit to this and I can’t stop you, then fine. I have your back, you know that.”

Squealing, I launch myself off the bed, tackling him in a hug.

“You’re the best, Dyl!”

He laughs and shoves me off him. “Yeah, yeah. But if you’re going through with this, you need to figure out what you’re going to tell Adam. I’m not telling him, but he’s going to find out eventually.”

“I know, I know.” I frown, straightening my clothes, which have gotten all twisted. “I don’t want to think about Adam right now. Let’s figure out one thing at a time, since there’s no point in telling Adam anything if Kellan doesn’t even like me.”

Dylan purses his lips but doesn’t say anything. He can’t be happy about the situation I put him in, where he has to keep things from Adam and Kellan, but I can count on him to keep this secret.

Eventually Dylan goes back to his own room, and Lori returns from her date with Dean. All it takes is a knowing smirk from me and her entire face lights up in a blush.

“Nothing happened!” she exclaims.

My smile widens. “I didn’t say anything.”

“It’s written all over your face.” She dumps her beach bag on her bed. “I had a lot of fun. We swam with fish, and they were huge.”

I sit up and lower the volume on the television. “And how was the kiss?”

She stumbles, looking back at me with wide eyes. “There was no kiss! It wasn’t a date.”

Deflated, I lean back against my headboard. “Boo, it totally was. Are you sure he didn’t make a move to kiss you and you ruined it with your awkwardness?”

“No, I didn’t—” She pauses, her lips pursed as she thinks.

“No, I’m positive I didn’t misread the situation. There was no maybe-kiss that I ruined.”

“Perfect, you have five more days to get it done.”

I can’t see her face since her back is to me, but I’m sure she’s rolling her eyes. She zips her luggage back up and turns to face me, shower supplies in hand.

“Yeah, yeah. What’s going on with Kellan?”

I school my face into disinterest. “Nothing’s going on with Kellan. I’m just taking it a day at a time.”

She raises an eyebrow. “Really? Because we ran into Dylan in the lobby, and he told me you threw Kellan off the banana tube in a jealous rage.”

Dammit, Dylan. “I did no such thing.”

“Mm-hmm,” she replies, totally not believing me, heading into the bathroom, and closing the door behind her.

I’m not going to tell Lori about liking Kellan and my plan to make him jealous. She’s my best friend and we usually tell each other everything, but she won’t approve. It’s one thing to just sleep with my brother’s best friend a few times, but to make it a regular occurrence? To make it official? There are too many things I haven’t thought through, and Lori’s always so practical and is going to point them out, the first being how and when I should tell Adam. She’s always so perfect—always so considerate. She’s going to make me second-guess the genius of my plan, and I’m not ready for that. One thing at a time. Get Kellan to realize how insanely amazing I am and that he should lock it down, and then I’ll worry about the rest.

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