Page 27 of Best Vacation Ever

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I jump off the bed like I’ve been caught doing something wrong and move away from Adam.

“Hey, Lor, what are you doing here?” he asks me, apparently completely oblivious that I walked in on him and Faye earlier.

My eyes dart nervously at Adam before I answer. “Oh, I was waiting for Faye to get back since I forgot the room key. Did you see her on your way up?”

I subtly nod my head, waiting for him to catch on.

His eyes widen for a fraction of a second before he realizes that I know where he was and what I want him to say.

“Yes. Yeah. I passed right by her when I was walking to the room.”

I back toward the door, eager to get out of here before Adam asks any questions.

“Great, I’ll be going then. Have a good night!”

I scramble out the door and down the hall to my room, checking behind me to make sure the coast is clear before I scan my key card.

The bathroom light is on and there’s a cool breeze filling the room from the open balcony sliding door.

“Really, Faye?” I call out.

“What?” She opens the bathroom door in her pajamas, hair wet from her shower. The room fills with the scent of her pineapple shampoo.

“Couldn’t you have put a sign on the door so I wouldn’t get a surprise when I walked in?”

I plop down on my bed, which is still neatly made from this morning, so I know Faye kept her business on her own bed.

“Oh shit,” she laughs. “I thought I heard the door open and close.” She throws me my moisturizer that she was using and sits on her bed.

I catch it and set it down on the nightstand. “Seriously. Can we agree to put up the ‘do not disturb’ sign so I don’t get a surprise show every night?”

She runs her fingers through her hair to brush it. “Okay, okay. Sorry, that was inconsiderate of me. But Lor—wow—it was so good. Better than last time, even. We rushed over here so fast I forgot my flip-flops down at the party. I’ve only got one pair left now! Wait, why are you in Adam’s hoodie?”

I look down at the hoodie I’ve completely forgotten about, surprised I’m still in it.

I tell her about what happened with Adam, and she listens with rapt attention, and when I’m done, she jumps on my bed and tackles me with a hug.

“You are the best friendever!” she exclaims, squeezing the life out of me.

“Yeah, yeah.” I laugh. “Just remember the sign! And if you’re trying to not get caught, be more discreet next time.”

She sits up and salutes me. “You got it.”


Day Two of Cuba


“What are you doing here, Faye?” My brother’s irritated voice greets me as I stroll past him into his room, leaving him to close the door behind me.

“It’s ten thirty, and none of you have come down for breakfast yet. I’m bored.” I sit on a person-shaped lump on the bed and bounce up and down.

“Ow, Faye!” comes a muffled voice from beneath the covers.

“Okay! Okay! I’m up! Get off me.”

Victorious smile on my face, I shift off Kellan and stroll to the sliding door.

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