Page 28 of Camera Shy

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Jesslaughed. ‘Ican see monsieur already has some moves.’Theireyes connecting,Jessleaned towards him and tilted her head for a kiss.

Hedidn’t disappoint.Hishands cupped her face, and his lips moved over hers.Heatflared between them, her breasts turning heavy with desire to be touched.Thedesperation in their kiss increased, and she pressed herself closer to him, but then he suddenly stopped and stepped away, leaving her gasping for breath.Herubbed his jaw and his brow knitted.Shehad trouble reading him. ‘Um…I’llshow you the library next.’Heturned on his heel and exited the room.

Andthen...?she thought, biting her lip and following him, wondering why he’d put the brakes on.Maybehe really wanted to show off the chateau first?Nowthat she had decided to have sex with him, she wanted it yesterday, especially because she’d already had the taster session a couple of nights ago.Everythingabout him was causing her pheromones to go into overdrive.Ifthey were visible, they’d be surrounding her like a cloud.Seriously, she wouldn’t be surprised if men from the neighbouring village started turning up like amorous zombies, unsure what had led them there, but horny as hell.

But…tour first.

Geta grip,Gabriel.

Hemarched towards the library, determined to put some space betweenJessand him.

Neverhad he wanted a woman so badly, yet been so conflicted about acting on it.Strangeemotions swirled within him.Emotionshe didn’t want.Emotionsthat scared him.

Heliked her laugh just a little too much.Thecurve of her lips.Theway her whole face lit up when she smiled.Howhis heart beat faster when she touched him.

Then, while he was kissing her, he’d had a vision:Jesswas standing in that very room when it was finished, wearing a yellow sundress, her hair loose, her skin tanned and healthy, a smile on her face…and a baby on her hip.Hisbaby.Shelooked so happy and natural in that setting, like it had been made just for her.

Thethought physically pained him.Becausefor the first time, he wanted that, but he could never have it.

Gabrielreminded himself that none of this was real.Jesswasn’t looking for anything serious.She’djust had her heart broken, for chrissakes.HewasReboundGuy.

Andas for him, he couldn’t risk anyone relying on him.Nota wife and most certainly not a child.

He’donly let them down.

Cryme a river,saidFatima’svoice in his head.You’reso fucking dramatic sometimes.

Shutup,he told her.

Whatwere they doing here?Whenhe’d invitedJess, it had seemed like the perfect solution.Forjust a moment, he thought it would be a nice break to step out of his life, to spend a few days pretending to be lord of the manor with a beautiful woman in his bed.

Butshe was getting too close to him.

Nowthey were here, he couldn’t shake this awkward feeling, like the joke was on him.Upstairs, he had put their bags into separate bedrooms, not wanting to commit to sleeping in the same bed as her, even though they’d already done that,twice.Forsome reason, the thought of doing it here felt like a dangerous line to cross.Playinghappy families.

BringingJessto his chateau had been a mistake.

Youdeserve some happiness, you douche, saidFatima, using her favourite pet name for him.

That’swhere they disagreed.


Afterthe kiss,Jesswas disappointed to find thatGabrielwas all business as he explained the different stages of his renovations so far, from the complex structural work and electrics to his vision for the interior.Heshowed her the library, the only finished room on that floor.Withits dark blue walls, shelves full of books and vinyl records, and the pricey sound system, it definitely had single-man aesthetic. ‘Ineeded at least one place whereIcould relax whenIcame here,’ he said.Jesseyed up the slouchy velvet couch against the wall and thought it looked relaxing all right…and a great place for a fumble and a cheeky blow job.

Unleashingthe new bold, powerful version of herself, she grabbed his hand and tugged him towards the sofa, the gleam in her eye communicating her intentions.

Hepulled away, stuffed his hands in his pockets, and said, ‘You’llwant to see the original bread oven.It’s, um, in the kitchen.’Andhe spun around and walked briskly out of the room.Shethrew her arms in the air, eyebrows dipped with concern and confusion.Whatthe hell was going on?Hadshe read this wrong?Didhe bring her here to share his love of chateau restoration or to shag?

Shefollowed him out of the room.

Indeed, it was an old brick bread oven.Ina kitchen.

Eventhough she was interested in all of it,Jessfelt like she was on a museum tour, and every time she manoeuvred herself next toGabrielor attempted to take his hand, he’d move away from her like proximity wasn’t professional.Orshe had cooties, as her kids might say.

Hadshe done something wrong?Beingin a steady relationship for two years, she’d forgotten the rollercoaster of doubt that often came with getting to know somebody new.Sure, it was fun finding out what made somebody tick, but the flip side was the constant analysis and uncertainty.

Notthat thiswasa relationship.It’sjust a fling, she reminded herself.

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