Page 98 of Chasing the Light

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Thatwasn’t too far away.Hecould get there in half an hour if he jogged to the tube.Nopoint taking a taxi in theLondontraffic.Thestreets were engorged with cars.Heset off.

Runninginto the lobby of theConnaught,Krishturned towards the restaurant.Ignoringthe calls of the hostess, he cast his eyes over the tables, searching forConnor.Itwas mid-afternoon, so it wasn’t too full.


Heturned to the hostess so quickly that she took a step back.

‘Wasthere a man here?Goodlooking, dark hair, grey eyes.Wait,Ican show you a picture.’Hescrolled through his phone and found a selfie ofConnorand him from a wedding last year. ‘Thisis him.’

Sheconsidered the photo for a second.Krishcould tell the moment she recognised him.Hereyes glazed slightly and she tugged on the end of her long platinum ponytail. ‘Oh, yes.Iremember him.’

‘Ishe still here?’

‘Ican’t tell you that.’

Herolled his eyes towards the ceiling and grunted with frustration.Shewas just doing her job, but he resented it anyway. ‘Listen, his daughter has fallen down the stairs, and she’s at the hospital.Hiswife is trying desperately to get in touch with him, but his phone is off.Ineed to find him.Please.’

Shepursed her perfectly-outlined lips and said, ‘Theyleft hours ago.’

‘They?Whowas with him?’

‘Um, two women.Onein a black suit.Designer.Beautifulafro.’

‘Andthe other?’

‘Blonde, tall, great boobs, goldAlexanderMcQueendress.Killerheels.’

RealisationhitKrish.Ofcourse.Connorhad mentioned the picture editor fromVogueafter the shoot withValentinaVavilek.Somethingabout howValentinawas going to recommend him to her friend.

ButStellahad told him not to have anything to do withValentina.WouldConnorbreak his word to his wife?Asurprising jolt of anger rushed through him.

‘Thankyou,’ he said to the hostess.

‘Goodluck,’ she said. ‘Ihope you find him.’

Valentina’shouse was nearby.Itwas the only place he could think to check.Andthe only reason thatKrishcould come up with forConnorturning off his phone…

…SothatStellacouldn’t track him there.

Krishtook off at a run.


Theantiseptic,latex smell of the children’s ward filledStella’snose as she leaned onClaudia’sshoulder, watching the doctor examineGrace.

‘She’llbe okay,’ said her best friend. ‘Myboys fell down the stairs many times.Theyjust bounce at that age.’

Thatdidn’t makeStellafeel better.

Shechecked the time on her phone.Fouro’clock.Krishhad texted forty-five minutes ago to say he’d foundConnorand they were on their way.Hedidn’t say where he’d found him.

Urgentfootsteps thwacked the linoleum floor behind her.


Atthe sound ofConnor’svoice, she turned and found herself immediately wrapped in his arms.Thetears she’d been holding back in front ofClaudiacame pouring out of her, marking the lapel of his dark blue suit.Heheld her close, stroking one hand down the back of her head.

‘Shhh, shhhh.I’mhere now.’

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