Page 70 of Chasing the Light

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‘Aw,I’llhold onto it.Cheers, mate.’

Everyoneclimbed into the van:Wallyat the back,StellaandDavidin the middle, andFrancescariding at the front withKrish, who settled himself into the driver seat, adjusting the mirrors.Sheturned on the radio and, pitching her voice low so no one butKrishcould hear, said, ‘Sorry,Ididn’t know about…’Shetilted her head towardsWally.

‘OnlythingIcare about is whether he can do the job.Canhe?’

Shenodded and hoped she was telling the truth.

‘Good.Wellthen.Noproblem.’Hepaused and looked her square in the eyes. ‘I’vecome to be a big believer in the idea that everything happens for a reason.’

Theyheld eye contact, and she wanted so badly to ask him what he meant by that.Washe referring to her coming back into his life?Orhis getting engaged toJess?Orthe wayNetflixcancelled seasons prematurely?

What?Herheart screamed for the answer.

Instead, she broke the trance and dropped her gaze to the radio.

‘Francesca?’ he said, pulling her attention back to him.


Leaningtowards her,Krishsaid, ‘WhydoIfeel likeI’veformed some sort of crazy heist team, like inOceansEleven?’

Sheoffered half a smile. ‘Well, the good news is…that makes youGeorgeClooney.’

‘Andwho does that make you?’Heshifted the van into drive and put on the indicator.

‘I’mthe smart one,’ she said with a wink.


Gouldplayed theJewishex-casino owner who spoke with the same accent asKingRat. ‘Oh, yeah.I’mdefinitelyElliottGould.’

Theylaughed.Itfelt good to let herself laugh with him.

Twohours later,they arrived atIshani’sparents’ house inOxfordshire.

Stellahad worked at some amazing family estates in her days photographing withConnor, but this one rivalled them all in opulence. ‘Whatdo they do for a living?’ she asked as the van emerged from the cypress-lined drive and they found themselves in front of a wonder of modern architecture, all clean white concrete and sleek glass.ItscreamedBondCriminal.

‘They’rethe biggest importer ofIndianfood in theUK,’Krishsaid.

That’sa lot of poppadoms, thoughtStella.

Theyparked at the edge of the large, circular forecourt, between the vehicles of the florist and caterer.Theevent wouldn’t start until later that evening, but according to the schedule, the couple wanted to do a series of shoots on the grounds in various outfits before the guests arrived.Standardstuff.

Francescaannounced that she was going to find a toilet and leapt out of the van.Krishunloaded the boot’s contents onto the manicured grass and then climbed into the boot to use it as a changing room.Heemerged a few minutes later in a white button-down shirt and grey trousers.Therest of them found their bags and headed to the shade of a nearby oak, out of the sun’s brutal rays.

‘Ican carry that for you,’ offeredWally.

‘Thanks.’Stellalet him pick up her heavy roller bag.They’dspoken for part of the journey about theAustraliantowns she’d visited on her trip withConnor, and they trotted out that conversation that non-Australiansalways had withAustraliansabout how all the nature there is designed to kill people.Wallysaid that’s why he’d moved to theUK, because he was afraid of snakes.

Thelight-hearted chat had helped to calm her nerves.Butnow, it was show time, and her stomach feathered with anxiety.Wouldshe remember how to work a wedding?

‘Youcan do this,’Stellamuttered to herself as she took out her camera and slung the strap around her neck.Itfelt like an old friend in her hands.Sherelaxed a little.

Herphone buzzed and she smiled.Itwas probablyConnorcalling to wish her good luck.Shechecked the screen and was surprised to see not her husband’s name, butClaudia’s.

‘Oh, hey!Allokay?’Stellaasked.

‘Quickquestion.CanGraceeat peanut butter?’Claudiasaid in a raised voice, vying with the sounds of screaming children in the background.

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