Page 106 of Chasing the Light

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‘Ilove you, too,’ he said.

Shewhooped, let her head fall back, and yelled out, ‘I’min love withKrishKapadia!’

‘Wow,’ he said with a smile as she slid down his body and onto her feet, ‘you’re really taking to public performance.’

‘Listen,Ifinally got to be the heroine of my ownBollywoodmovie.I’mgoing to milk it.’

Helaughed. ‘Doesthat make me the hero?’

Takinghis hand in hers,Francescatugged him towards the merry-go-round. ‘No,Krish, it makes you mysuperhero.’



Connorordereda couple of lagers and went outside to find a table for two in the pub garden.Thebrick courtyard wasn’t busy for aFridayafternoon, and he found a great spot in dappled shade.Beautifullight, he thought out of habit.

Hechecked hisOmegawatch, a gift from the company when he did a shoot for them.Krishshould arrive soon.WhileConnorwaited, he scrolled through the messages on his phone.Nothingfrom his wife.Loadsfrom stylists, art directors, and picture editors—all regarding upcoming projects.Inthe next month alone, he had two fashion stories to shoot, along with one wedding and an ad campaign for an established designer brand.Thankthe gods of photography that he now had two full-time assistants and aPAto help him run his business, especially since he no longer hadKrishorStella.


Thelove of his life.Thebane of his existence.

Okay, that was a bit harsh, but they did have a talent for pushing each other’s buttons.

Twoyears ago, she’d started her own photography company, focusing on glamour portraits of women.Hewas proud of what she’d achieved in such a short time.Admiredher, even.Shewas approaching the craft in a new way, marrying everything he’d ever taught her about lighting and posing to create exquisite portraits worthy of hanging in an art gallery.She’dstarted a blog, too, sharing tips and tricks behind the clever things she did: cheap and cheerful ways to create backgrounds, experimental lighting set-ups, make-up tutorials, among other things.Herblog had reached 10,000 viewers a day and she had more social media followers than he did.Shehad a good thing going.

Butthey never saw each other.

Withhis leap into fashion and her success, they gave new meaning to two ships passing in the night.Hedidn’t know how she balanced it all while still being present forGrace, but she managed to be a great mum as well as a busy business woman.

Whilehe felt he was completely failing as a husband and a father.

Twolarge paws landed on his leg, breaking him out of his thoughts.Hegazed into the luminous eyes of aGoldenRetriever. ‘Hey,Norman!’Hedug his fingers into her shiny yellow fur and scratched her neck.WhyKrishandFrancescachose to name a female dogNormanwas beyond him. ‘Who’sa gorgeous girl?’

Man, he’d love a dog, but now was not the right time.Perhapsone day, when he retired.Except—he just remembered—Stellahad a fear of dogs leftover from her childhood, so there went that idea.

‘Hey, boss,’ saidKrish.Sometimeshe still calledConnorby his old nickname.Itbrought a pang to his chest.Hemissed working withKrish.

‘Gladyou got the memo about the uniform.’Connorindicated that they were both wearing white t-shirts, khaki shorts, aviator sunglasses, and sandals.

‘Ha, well when you spend almost every day with someone for five years,Iguess you pick up a few habits.’

‘How’sbusiness?’NormandecidedConnor’sfeet were the perfect place for a nap.Hereached down and scratched her again.

‘Great.Wejust got back from a wedding expo inIndia.Pickedup some huge wedding bookings.Caughtup with a matchmaker who’s been sending me business.It’sall happening.’Krishsipped from his pint and wiped the foam away with the back of his hand.

Connorthumped the table, makingNormanlift her head. ‘Givemy congrats toFrancescafor theBAFTA, by the way.That’simpressive.I’mimpressed.’

Krishsmiled proudly as though he’d won the illustrious prize and not his wife. ‘Thanks.Sheworked hard on that documentary.Hopefullyit’ll help stimulate more spending for research into women’s reproductive health.’

‘Doesshe still work with you at all?’Connorhad opinions about the pros and cons of working with your spouse.

‘Oncein a while, but not much.She’sfreelancing for an endometriosis charity right now, creating content for social media.Interviewingwomen.Recordingtheir stories.She’sfound her happy place.’

‘Well, pass on my regards.’HelikedFrancesca.Shehad a lot of spunk.

Krishsipped his beer.Connorcould practically feel the next question coming.

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