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“Yeah. Me.”

She narrows her gaze. “Do you even know anything about kids?”

“What’s to know? I have nineteen years of life experience.”

“I can’t.”

I place my hand on her shoulder, ignoring the way my skin heats at the connection. “You don’t have a ton of options here. We’ll be fine. It’s like two hours. We won’t even leave the ranch.”

She releases a long breath. Then does it again. Hell, she’s really having to convince herself, which is doing wonders for my self-esteem. “Okay,” she concedes.


She tips her head to the side, considering me. “Why are you doing this?”

I shrug, lifting my hand off her shoulder. “What else have I got to do?” She presses her lips together. I sigh. “Look, it’s fine. I want to help. I literally have all day open and owe Garrett after turning out at the rodeo.”


I try a new tactic. “It’s okay to accept help. The world won’t fall apart if you’re not holding it.”

“It feels like taking advantage.”

“Okay, fine. You’re right. I won’t ask her to tutor me. She’s too young, and it’s her day off.”

Winnie cracks the tiniest of smiles, and my chest might explode at the victory. “Are you sure about this?”

My heart is thudding. It feels like I’ve been given a gift, and the last thing I want to do is mess this up, but also, I’m me, so I say, “Absolutely. Now how does that rhyme go? ‘Beer after liquor, never been sicker’?”

“Case.” Her eyes are smiling, though. Her entire face is one giant relieved grin.

Idid that.

“Just kidding. We’ll stick to energy drinks.”

“Case.” Her tone is soft, and I can hear the front door slam in the distance, signaling Garrett’s return.

I match her tone. “Winifred.”

“Thank you.”

This time, I smile. I’ve been a bit out of practice with smiling, but she brings them out of me like breaths. “You’re welcome.”

Winnie’s on a trail ride when it all goes to shit later that morning. Garrett was outside the barn while I was brushing down Elvis and Jose. She had been sitting on the bench, doing her homework. Or maybe it wasn’t homework. Maybe it was extra credit. Whatever it was, the weather was gorgeous, so she asked if she could sit in the sunshine, and I listened to her humming, enjoying the quiet, when all of a sudden, a loud screech fills the air and rips through my heart.

I drop my brush with a clunk and sprint toward the noise.


“Case!” She is full on screaming now, and I skid to a stop, taking in the scene in front of me. Garrett has climbed into the pen in front of the barn. The one with Charles. She’s pinned against the fence, but on the inside. Charles is standing, chest puffed and nostrils flaring, eyes locked on her tiny form.

I don’t even stop to think. I launch myself over the top of the fence in front of her and whip my bright T-shirt off, wildly waving it over my head like a fucking matador. “Hey, Charles.Here, Charles!” I fling the tee. “Fetch, Charles!” He doesn’t take the bait.

“Oh my god, Garrett!” Winnie’s terrified voice rings out. She’s back from her trail ride.

I yell, “Grab her through the fence, Win! Get her out of here!”

As soon as I feel Garrett pulled from behind me, I dart to the side, taking Charles’s attention with me. He’s huffing while his hooves paw at the dusty earth, and my heart pounds clear out of my chest. He plows forward and ducks his head, but I dodge out of the way, my reflexes clearing his horns. We line up, and he charges again, this time bucking a little. I need to get out of the pen, but I suspect he’ll get under me if it takes me too long to climb the fence.

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