Page 8 of The Submissive

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“It’s a boring question, I’m afraid. I only want to know how someone becomes a patron.”

That’s it?Too bad Monique had some unfortunate news for her. “I told you, Ms. Helen, all of the ladies currently have patrons. None of them seem interested in leaving anytime soon, so you may be waiting a while. However…”


“As I also mentioned, I am thinking of hiring a couple of others. In which case, I would send out an announcement to regular clients saying they’re open to patronage.”

“You still haven’t answered my question, Monique. I would like to know how a woman becomes a patron. Under usual circumstances, of course.”

Monique looked between her and the garden, wondering which specific spiel she should give. By now, the sunlight was descending toward the western hills, and a slight glare reflected off Helen’s glass.

“First, as soon as you have confirmed your intentions, you send her an expensive gift that is in the care of the Manoir. This way you make sure I see it and know your aims.”

“Expensive, huh? How expensive?”

“That I can’t say. It’s up to you to decide. However much you want to invest in your relationship with this woman.”

“So it’s like a backward dowry.”

“I suppose you could look at it that way. This is a business, Ms. Helen. At the end of the day, you’re securing a service, even if human emotions do happen. You don’t want to hurt your bottom line, but you also don’t want to risk offending her… or me.”

“Naturally. I would imagine offending you is the best way to not get what I want.”

“To be sure.”

Helen finished her drink and placed it on a small table between the two lounge chairs. “So what happens after that? Ifmultiple people have their eyes on her, do you pick the one with the more expensive dowry? This is getting medieval. Kind of exciting.”

Monique shook her head. “The price of the gift factors into it, but it’s also the gift itself and how she feels about it. Of course, I want to make as much money as possible, but I also want her to be happier doing her job. So if she would much rather be with a different person than I would choose, it’s not a big deal as long as they can fulfill their obligations.”

“And what obligations are those?”

“First, a monthly payment of $10,000 is to be expected. This gives you as many appointments with her as you want. However, you must keep in mind that this is not a monogamous contract. She still has to work outside of your presence.”

“I see. What if I wanted monogamous? I’m a bit of a romantic at heart.”

“We’ve never had a client interested in that, but I would wager a substantial increase to cover the financial loss.” Monique kept thinking of Grace. Shereallyneeded to charge her patron more. “We could discuss it, but we’re talking a lot of hypotheticals anyway. You wanted to know what happens next?”

“I always want to know what happens next in this world. It’s incredibly interesting. Tell me more, if you don’t mind.”

Monique smiled, but she wasn’t sure why.

“After your offer is accepted, well… there isn’t much more to say. We will go over the rules, the three of us, and then you sign the contract and make your first payment. After that, it’s up to you and her.”

“So it sounds like the most important thing is getting the gift right.”

“You could say that. You’ll really impress her if you manage to get her something she will instantly like. Shows that you know something about her. That you’re paying attention. It’s not thatmuch different from wooing a woman any other way. She wants to know that you will take care of her.”

“It doesn’t sound the same at all.” Helen said that yet there was a twinkle in her eye that said she liked the idea of the challenge. “I’ll keep this all in mind.”

They ended their conference not too much later, Monique escorting Helen back to the salon as someone came in to relay that a guest had reserved it that evening. Business as usual.

“You are welcome to stay here, Ms. Helen,” Monique said after the maid left. “Do let me know if you are interested in someone for the evening. There is…” No, wait.Chelsea is a conflict of interest with Ms. Helen’s friend. Sybil has an appointment. Yvette won’t even consider it. June… she’s on vacation this week.That left Grace. “I have the perfect lady for you.”

Helen unexpectedly stood up from her chair and brushed the hem of her skirt. “That won’t be necessary. I appreciate the hospitality, but I’m afraid I must be going. I merely stopped by for the chat and the tour. I’m sorry if that was improper of me. Should I make a donation?”

I see.Monique had not anticipated that. Few made it all the way up into the mountains for a mere tour and chat. At least they wanted to have a taste of what they could get in the future. “It’s no trouble. I am glad you enjoyed my Manoir.”

“Yes.” They walked into the foyer together, where Monique opened the coat closet and pulled out Helen’s overcoat for her. It wasn’t fur or leather, but it was soft against the skin and big enough to wrap twice around her if she wanted to snuggle without a blanket.It’s comforting.“Thank you for the tour. I look forward to seeing you again.”

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