Page 27 of The Submissive

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And kneeling toward her, grabbing Monique’s shoulder while thrusting her bare thighs upon the small of her submissive’s back.

"You're mine, Princess." It was the last thing Helen said before breathlessly climaxing onto Monique’s skin.

She gasped into the carpet, the warmth of Helen’s quick and furious orgasm claiming Monique and parts of her that had been untouched for a year. She never anticipated Helen coming so soon. Then again, the woman was so wound up for a night that was supposed to be long and purposeful that she probably needed the early release.

Now Monique was left withHelenall over her.

She didn't have to tell Monique what she meant by her words and actions.I'm hers. I'm all hers tonight.The primal instinct for the stranger to claim the she-wolf as hers.I'm hers. It allowed her to take her time with Monique now. In turn, Monique reveled in the fact that Helen Warner wanted her enough to be so beautifully crass in the bedroom.

"Get up."

Helen was no longer kempt when Monique gingerly sat up and turned around, her Mistress’s wetness sliding down her back as Monique got comfortable. Helen stood before her, thighs glistening. It took every bit of restraint to not lean forward and lick those droplets of nectar off for her.I would. I love that.

"Did you like that?" Helen asked.

"Yes, ma'am."

The thumb soon touching her chin was both gentle and demanding.Give me more."Do you want to stop?"

"Absolutely not."

Helen walked away from her.

"Where are you going?"

She opened the lid to the velvet box that Monique had received over a month ago. What Helen pulled out was none other than the silver and diamond collar.

Monique was strung up by a silk rope to the hook hanging above her bed. The collar wrapped snugly around her throat but did not choke her. The leash fell around her in a spiral, Helen yanking it until Monique yelped in surprise.

"You're a foul princess now, aren't you?" She tugged again, Monique’s head nodding backward as her hair became tangledin the metal links of the leash. "Tied up in bed with a woman's innermost secrets on your back. Tell me how filthy you are."

"I'm filthy, ma'am. My skin has been…” She could barely breathe from how this moment thrilled her. “Befouled."

"I wouldn't go that far," Helen muttered, before kneeling on the bed with one leg. Her dress had been removed. All that was left was her black bra and the thigh-high tights that had beguiled Monique only half an hour ago.I want to touch her breasts. They kept their secrets as well, perfectly fit within such a shapely bra. "You like being a filthy princess, don't you?"

"I wish to be defiled."

Something smacked her ass. It wasn't Helen’s hand, but the end of the leash. Monique couldn't move with her arms suspended above her, but her legs buckled, splitting apart and making her pelvis come closer to the bed.

"Make as much noise as you want, Princess."

Gladly. Helen ripped Monique’s dress upward, smacking the hard, silver leash against her ass in quick succession.Smack! One.Smack! Two.Smack! Three. Monique shuddered every time, her teeth biting her bottom lip as she whimpered and cried out in sweet pain. She waited for a fourth one, but it never came.

"Do you want more?"

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Too bad. You'll have to earn them now. Do you know how to earn another spanking?"

"No, ma'am, please tell me."

"Every time you show me your filthy side, I'll punish you with a spank. You don't get anything else until you've proven to me that you are the filthiest woman I know."

Helen was generous in the examples she let Monique show. When she pulled Monique’s dress off, letting it pool around her, Helen commented on how hard her submissive’s nipples were.Smack! Four.

Her knees shook whenever Helen came close to her breasts.Smack! Five.

Her arousal had built until her underwear was wet.Smack! Six.

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