Page 100 of The Submissive

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Monique laid on more platitudes about the establishment and what was in it for them. Such as massive discounts at the Manoir for the owners and managers. It was the least she could do for continuing to pilfer some of their best Dommes.My olive branch.When she hung up, all she could do was sit back in her chair and hope for the best.

She tried not to think about performing in front of so many people. She had done things publicly before, but always at intimate parties where she knew everyone and what they liked. Midnight wouldn’t let things get crazy between her and the audience, but their screening would only go so far.

Her cell phone buzzed with a message.June.

“You need to get down to the foyer.”Before Monique could expect the worst, such as the police or Jacqueline, she received another message. “It’s Sybil.”

The taxi idled in the driveway as Sybil, dressed in a little black dress but devoid of her usual decorations, stepped out with a suitcase in hand. She closed the car door behind her and faced the Manoir, a smile so far away from her face that she looked like the unhappiest woman in the world.

Because she is.

The driver pulled out more luggage from the trunk. Without a moment of consideration, Monique told two maids to bring them in. “To her old room,” she said, standing in the entrance.

June stood off to the side. Chelsea leaned over the balcony overlooking the driveway. Grace tried to hide behind a pillar, but everyone could see her. Yvette roused herself from sunbathing to see this spectacle.

That didn’t account for every staff person gawking at the return of one of the Manoir’s success stories.

Nobody said a word as Sybil ascended the front steps, her hand clutching her suitcase handle so hard that her skin turned red. Her lip trembled, but she kept her pride and did not cry. There was no engagement ring on her hand.

“Welcome home,” Monique said, as soon as Sybil was close enough to hear her.

She looked away. “I didn’t know where else to go.”

“Who said you had to go anywhere else?”

People respectfully cleared out of their way as Monique led Sybil back to her old room, which was still furnished in her style.

Sybil sat on the edge of the bed, suitcase dropping to the floor. Behind her, Monique heard enough whispers to fill her ears for years. “Cheating bastard.” “Had a mistress in every major city.”“Promised to marry like three other women.” “Does he think we’re actual concubines or some shit?”

Tears fell down Sybil’s face. She was so young, so naïve.

So in love, like they all had been at some point.

“He called me a whore,” she mumbled through her tears. “When I confronted him about the other women, he called me a whore.”

Monique did not move to touch her. That was not what Sybil needed right now. “I’m sorry. You can stay here as long as you need to.”

When she exited the room, Monique saw a maid eavesdropping around the corner of the hall. “Tell the doorman and all security personnel that Mr. Carlisle is no longer welcomed on these premises.” The day Monique feared had come. That was the nature of the business.

Chapter 32

The Wolf Queen Returns

"Are you nervous?”

Monique turned from the window overlooking Midnight’s open room. The stage was empty, yet half the tables in the main gallery and up in the more private balconies were filling with people. Men in their finest suits. Women in risqué dresses that twinkled and showed off their bodies in enticing ways. Men in leather, gags in their mouths. Women with tight collars around their throats, some crawling on all fours while waiting for treats from their dominants.

On a normal night, Monique would find the spectacle absolutely delightful.

Tonight is not a normal night.

She wore her lavender silk robe, naked beneath. Her hair was freshly washed and styled by a competent professional. Body glitter covered her skin in case people couldn’t find her in thedarkness. Her leather collar pressed against her throat. The only thing easing her nerves was Helen’s hand on her shoulder.

“I am nervous. Not for the reasons you think.”

“No. I don’t think you’re nervous about getting on that stage and entertaining the masses.” Helen smiled at her. “Not you.”

A shiver rippled through her body. Oh, she was nervous. She looked at the darkened faces of billionaires, millionaires, their guests and lovers, coming from all over the world for this one prestigious event that Monique was finally invited to participate in. Yet half the seats were still empty, and the show started in a half hour.

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