Page 56 of Difficult

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Wincing, Braxton muttered, “Something like that.”

“And for making my life more difficult than it needed to be by dragging out this science project that’s due in three months?” Mikey asked.

“If it makes you feel any better, I started the project back in September,” he admitted, making her frown.

“You started a group project by yourself?” Mikey asked, watching him shrug it off like it was no big deal. “Why?”

“I was bored,” Braxton drawled.

“I could never be that bored,” Mikey admitted, watching his lips twitch. “I also can’t let you do all the work.”

“If it makes you feel any better, I saved the really boring part for you,” Braxton said, making her frown.

“How is that supposed to make me feel better?” Mikey asked as she narrowed her eyes on the boy who was definitely hiding something from her. “Start talking.”

“There’s nothing to talk about,”

“And yet, I don’t believe you,” Mikey said, shifting in her seat so that she was facing him. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing’s going on,” Braxton said with a sigh as he reluctantly opened his eyes and grabbed his bag as he stood up.

“You’re lying,” Mikey said as she watched him pull his bag over his shoulder.

“Probably,” Braxton murmured absently as he glanced past her towards the foyer, drawing her attention to find the courtyard empty and the long line of cars gone. “Looks like it’s time to go.”

“Because you’re afraid that I’ll turn to violence to make you talk?” Mikey asked, expecting to see his father’s car pull up only to watch as the janitorial staff began breaking down the tent to take it in.

“Something like that,” Braxton said as he headed towards the doors.

“Where’s your Dad’s car?” Mikey asked, getting to her feet as she searched the long driveway for a car.

“Couldn’t get a ride,” Braxton said, shrugging it off.

“Your father has a chauffeur,” Mikey pointed out weakly as her gaze shot to the quickly darkening sky, noting the snow coming down and the ice reflecting the soft glow of the heaters that were still burning on the patio.

“Please tell me that you’re kidding,” Mikey said, watching as Braxton stepped back, pushing the heavy glass door open with his back as he murmured, “Merry Christmas, Mikey,” leaving her sitting there and-

Deciding that she was done playing this game.


She was definitely a pain in his ass, Sebastian thought, taking a sip of the hot cocoa that his Aunt Rory would approve of as he glanced from the bench that he normally found Mikey passed out on to the front doors and-

“Get off me, you little demon!”

-sighed heavily when he spotted Mikey trying to take Braxton down to his knees with what Sebastian was guessing was supposed to be a chokehold but barely managed to keep her on Braxton’s back as he struggled to pull her off.

“Definitely a pain in my ass,” Sebastian muttered as he took another sip of the hot cocoa that was going to get him through this as he headed for the front door only to curse when Braxton managed to pull Mikey off his back and moved his ass when she hit the unforgiving cobblestone walkway with a pained cry.

Before Braxton could finish leaning down to make sure that she was okay, Mikey was moving, taking advantage of Braxton’s moment of weakness and throwing herself back onto his back.

“What is wrong with you?” Braxton demanded, trying to pull her off again.

“Don’t make me hurt you!” Mikey snapped as she did whatever the hell it was that she was doing.

“Stop pissing me off!” Braxton snapped back as he stumbled back just as Sebastian reached them.

“I can’t! It’s what I do best!” Mikey bit out as Sebastian moved to pull her off Braxton’s back only to have his father suddenly there, grabbing her and tossing her over his shoulder before she could get herself killed.

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