Page 7 of Fire Wolf

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I pulled up outside the long line of cars filing up the driveway of her childhood home, noting with surprise the big party tent set up outside and the loud thrumming of a guitar.

“Holy shit. What did they do?” she muttered, eyes wide as she leaned forward to get a better look.

I barked a laugh and shook my head. Looked like the whole Pack was there, and from the sounds of it, everyone was having a good time. The tent was fashioned for outdoors. Heaters were placed strategically throughout, the music was live, and I smelled the mouthwatering scents of food and drink dancing on the air.

Yep. This was some party, all right. I got out of the truck and went to the passenger side, opening the door for her. She was still stunned and seemed unsure of her next move. So, I stole it from her. I was a Wolf, not a saint.

I took her elbow and helped her out of the truck and cupped my hand around the back of her neck and crashed my mouth to hers in a hot, rough kiss that left my dick hard and her heart thundering inside her chest. My eyes were glowing gold with my Wolf, their reflection shining in the window of my truck behind her.

Martina held on to my shoulders, dazed from our kiss, and damn, but that made me feel ten feet tall. I growled and dipped my head again, sniffing her neck before stepping back. Fuck, she smelled good. I needed to distance myself before I pushed too fast, and it was torture, but I managed it, turning around one last time to flash her a Wolfish grin before I vanished inside the tent.

“Welcome home, Martina Harbor.”


“You’re here!”

Sybil tackle hugged me before I got my bearings. I fell backwards, hopefully denting that asshole’s truck. How dare he? Imagine kissing the hell out of a woman then running off to party. Oh, I saw the fucker. He was dancing with some tall blonde she-Wolf. Not that I should care, but for some reason I did. Even more shocking, I wanted to rip her damn head off.

“Of course, I’m here,” I growled, hugging Sybil back.

“Let’s get Nova,” she squealed, grabbing my arm and pulling me forward with more strength than necessary.

My sister was a badass River Dragon, the only one of her kind as far as I knew. She was super fucking strong, making her petite pixie-like appearance the perfect camouflage. Within seconds, we found Nova in the throng of people, and I was just flabbergasted.

First, I missed my sisters. We hugged and screamed and kissed and jumped up and down, which was what sisters did. We’d always been connected, if not through our shared birthday, then through our bond as former foster kids who’d grown to depend on each other for anything.

They had my back, and I had theirs. And dammit, I missed this. Living in New York City was not what I’d hoped. I’d been lonely and cut off from them for too long. My Wolf was sick. I hadn’t told them, but she was. Something was wrong. But being with them, even for just a few minutes was, well, it was magic. I felt better already.

Tell them, my Wolf urged, but I zipped my lips.

Now was the time for reunion, not secret telling. Besides, I wanted to feel them out before I mentioned what I was really doing home. There were a lot of moving parts and I wanted to make sure I dotted my i’s and crossed my t’s first.

“I am so glad to see you,” Nova said, and hugged me tighter.

“Yeah, you look like shit,” Sybil yelled over the music, and I frowned as ten pairs of Wolf eyes shot a curious glance at me.

Fucking Shifter hearing.

“Where’s Davi and Err? And why the fuck is the Pack here?” I growled and felt old angers rise.

The motherfucking Macconwood Pack had made my life hell when I was a kid. Back when Zev Maccon was the Alpha, he’d outlawed witchcraft and had no use for half-bloods or mixed offspring. Wolves were encouraged to mate with other Wolves, anything else was considered a violation, a weakening of Pack bonds.

He was a fucking medieval monster, and I hated that prick. It was because of him my parents had given me up. His stupid prejudices against Witches and magic made my childhood hell. I had to hide who I was at every turn. In fact, no one except for family knew I was both a Witch and a Wolf.

That was my secret. Mine and Sybil’s and Nova’s. Each of us harbored a beast inside, along with our Witch blood. But while Nova and Sybil had their own demons to contend with, mine had been very real and in my face on a daily basis. I had my family, but I was a Wolf without a Pack, and my animal had felt that loss keenly.

Shit. I’d really messed up everything, hadn’t I? Moving to the city. Dating Phil. What the heck was I doing with my life? My heart stuttered in my chest, and I felt panicked for a moment.

“Hey, you’re safe, Marti. You’re here with us,” Nova whispered, and I felt her minty magic seep into me, bringing calm and coolness.

I always thought about things in terms of food. Maybe that was why I had such a fat ass. Seriously though, Nova’s striking beauty was just one of my sister’s attributes. She was a certified genius, worked for some secret government agency as some mad scientist. I always pictured her with goggles and elbow-length gloves, laughing maniacally as she poured chemicals into tiny vials. I know, I know, my imagination was totally fucked.

“Here, take this,” Sybil said, her blue hair glittering under the disco lights.

She was so damn cute as she offered me a shot glass of some dark liquid. Of all of us, Sybil had the biggest heart. She’d followed in Mama Anne’s footsteps, becoming a social worker, and helping kids who needed it. I admired the shit out of both of them, and I was proud to be their sister.

“There you girls are!”

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