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“Sh-she paid me. A lot of money. I kn-know I shouldn’t have done it, but sh-she was hard to say ‘no’ to. And I-I like her,” he stuttered and it was the wrong thing to say. Suddenly, I was wrapped so tight in rage and jealousy at his words. With a sharp swing of my fist, I felt the impact of his cheekbone crack under my brutal right-hook. He cried out, his hand coming up to shield his face from any more blows but one was enough for now. A warning. Roberto shoved him up to a sitting position again after he had fallen into his lap.

“Her name,” I growled.

“P-please,” he whimpered, finally realising just how much danger he was in. “You’re not going to hurt her, are you?”

My nostrils flared once again at his care for the girl and at the insinuation that I would ever hurt her. Of course, he was going by what he had been subjected to in the last five minutes of my company and no one else in this car knew that the last thing I would ever do is hurt that girl. I just wanted to find her.

“No. I am not going to hurt her. I just need to speak to her.”

His eyes met mine again and widened with realisation. “It is you. The gold panther from the club.”

“Her name,” I repeated with deep dominance.

He licked his lip, his eyes darting frantically between us all. He was considering his options. The stupid fool thought he had any.

“That is all I want. Her name. Then you’ll go free.”

He sighed, as though it pained him to do so, and looked into my eyes. “Elle.”

“Elle?” I questioned, my brows tensing into the bridge of my nose. My cold, usually unaffected heart did a somersault in my chest. “Elle what?”

He rubbed his forehead, wrinkles appearing as he thought hard. My heart was now thundering faster than it ever did, fuelled by adrenaline at being so close to having her.

“Bu-Bucheli or something. I can’t remember, please,” his anxiety was evident with his memory loss. But even as he said the stupid name, I recognised how it closely resembled another name. A name that it just couldn’t be. No way.

“Buccini?” I gritted. His eyes lit up and he smiled, showing the blood on his teeth from my punch.

“Yes! Oui! That was it. Elle Buccini!”

My soldiers’ expressions on either side of him showed their alarm. Fabi’s body tensed next to mine. The entire car fell silent. I stared into his brown eyes, not really seeing him. Not really seeing anything but the image of her face. Those chocolate eyes. Those full lips. That voice. I think I had always known in my gut it was her, but I forced myself to believe it was impossible. Elenora Buccini. Flora. One and the same.

All eyes were on me. Waiting for my reaction. I felt it rising in me uncontrollably. The bubble of disbelief at the insanity of it. Yet, it made perfect sense. Nothing had ever been clearer in my mind. It had always been her.

For the first time in my life, I roared with laughter so hard that I doubled over, wheezing and hitting my thigh as my men watched me in bewilderment. I knew I must have looked like a mad man. But I couldn’t stop. It was just too funny. All of it. Every time I caught sight of Rico’s wide eyes or Fabi’s deep frown, I laughed even harder. I had been given a lap dance by Elenora Buccini. Tied to a mirror as she made me come in my pants like a teenage fool. The girl I had phone sex with in the back of my car. The girl I had spent hours talking to until the early hours of the morning. The girl who I had been obsessing over for days. My enemy.

I had stolen her first kiss and she had stolen my sanity. Sounds about right.

“Boss?” My cousin's deep voice snapped me out of my moment of madness. I sat back and tried to calm my laughter to controlled chuckles as I shook my head. “You know what this means?”

I turned to face Fabi’s dark expression as I tried to gather my thoughts. What does this mean? That I’ve been flirting with my enemy’s sister? That the one woman on this very planet that I know I am supposed to loathe and stay far away from is the one woman I can’t stop thinking about? It means I am fucking screwed. That’s what it means.

I ran my hand down my face and closed my eyes as I tried to calm my mind and think clearly again. This had never happened to me before. I am normally so controlled and emotionless when it comes to this shit, but that woman’s name just does things to me.

“Can I go now? I’ve given you what you wanted,” Rico clarified.

I opened my eyes and glared at him. This fucker devoured Elenora Buccini’s pussy and he had no idea what that meant. Fuck, I wanted to kill him. It was irrational. I was the one who told him to do it and he was only doing his job, but that still didn’t make me want to chop off his tongue and blow out his brains any less.

“He might have been involved,” Fabi whispered into my ear in Italian. “We need to interrogate him. Find out what he knows.”

I frowned. It took a few seconds for my logical brain to catch up and realise what Fabi was suggesting. That this had all been a set-up. Of course. Why else would Elenora be in a Leone sex club on the same night I was there? It was a fucking risky and downright ballsy move on Giovanni’s part to send his sister to spy on me. To make his sister weave her web of seduction around me until I was so tangled in it that I couldn’t see clearly. Fuck! She had played me. Unrelenting rage had poisoned my veins as my eyes narrowed on Rico. Had he been in on this? Was he also a spy for Giovanni? Fabi was right. We couldn’t let him go.

I nodded to Roberto curtly and before Rico could blink, my huge soldier had knocked him unconscious by hitting him on the back of his head with the handle of his gun. I exhaled deeply, rolling my fingers into tight fists.

“Cazzo, Alessio,” Fabi breathed, running his hand through his dark hair. “I did not see that coming.”

I couldn’t even speak. I was too furious.

“What are you going to do now? You didn’t give her any information, did you?” he asked, but I turned my head to gaze out the window as Lorenzo’s estate came into view. Only that my papi was on his deathbed. Fucking brilliant. This was so embarrassing. I was going to have to explain to Lorenzo how he had let Giovanni’s own blood into his establishment without us having the faintest idea. She was riding my fucking erection for fuck’s sake and we still didn’t know!
