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“You are sweet,” I smiled. “Actually, seeing as you are already hiding one thing from Gio…”

She started shaking her head, lifting her hands in the air between us like I was about to pass her a bomb. Funnily enough, I was in a way. An information bomb.

“No, Elle. No more secrets. I can’t take it.”

“But I need your help on this one! It is important! It’s not about me but mamma,” I pleaded and she held my gaze. I could see her determination not to give into me wavering.

“Urgh, fine. What is it?”

“Mamma and Marco like each other. In a romantic way…” I dropped the bomb and waited for the aftermath. Her eyes widened, her mouth gaping open.

“No way! Oh my god, that’s amazing!”

“Right! I think so too! Except mamma does not,” I explained and she frowned deeply.

“Vinny?” She asked, understanding quickly why mamma would be against it.

I nodded. “I spoke to her last night about it and she was adamant she will never love another man in her life, even though she admitted she really liked Marco.”

Liv frowned, her little dimple in the side of her cheek appearing as she moved her mouth from a pout to a smile. “Sometimes people need a little shove in the right direction. You know, it was Cecilia who pushed me and Gio together from the start?”

“Oh, I know,” I rolled my eyes. “She is a sneaky woman.”

“Well, now it is our turn!” Liv grinned. “I have a plan. What are you doing today?”

“Ummm let me check my very busy schedule,” I joked and she ignored my sarcasm, standing up and walking over to the kitchen window to look out on the gardens.

“You should set up a little picnic lunch for you, her, Sani and Raya. That will ensure Marco will be outside with you. Then you can sneakily take Raya and Sani off to play some game or something and leave them alone together for the picnic.”

“Love it!” I clapped my hands together. “And what are you going to do?”

She turned and gave me a mischievous grin. “I am going to work on Gio. Get him to consider sending Cecilia and the kids on a little vacation. It’s been two years since they have been on one. I think it’s time,” she winked.

“You are brilliant. Yes! If they were alone together for a whole week, something is bound to happen!”

“Exactly. Oh, by the way, Gio said we are all going out for dinner tonight to celebrate something.”

“Oh really? What are we celebrating?” I asked.

She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know. He is being very secretive. Max and Cami are coming too.”

“Oh goody, fifth wheeling it then,” I replied with fake enthusiasm. She laughed and wandered out of the room to find Gio. I didn’t bother dwelling on it and set about preparing the picnic for our plan.

When I was finally done, I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture of the picnic basket and sent it to Panther with the caption, Romantic picnic for two.

His reply was almost instant.

Are you trying to make me fly to Venice?

Fly? I didn’t realise he lived that far away. I still hadn’t told him I actually lived in Verona either.

It is for my mamma and her potential lover. Good plan? P.S. Fly? Where are you?

Worth a shot. P.S. Sicily. That’s where I live. I thought I told you that.

My eyes bulged on that information. He lived in Southern Italy? Oh my god, this would never work! Being a Buccini, I am never allowed to set foot in the South!

No, you didn’t tell me that!
