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“Isabelle,” I groaned, my voice low and unwelcoming.

Her hands trailed up my chest before she gripped my shoulders firmly, keeping me close to her.

“Mi amore, have you missed me?”

“They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. I was hoping you would stay away longer… give me a chance to miss you more,” I smirked, removing her hands from my body and looking across the lobby at the desk staff who were clearly watching us but quickly made themselves busy.

She sighed, exhaling loudly but gave me that cold smile. Her dark eyes twinkled with seduction.

“Well, I’ve missed you.”

“So you keep saying,” I groaned. “What do you want Isabelle?”

“Why don’t we go up to your room and I will show you what I want,” she whispered, biting her lip and reaching for the silver chain around my neck. I grabbed her wrist and lowered it subtly to her side as she chuckled. She always loved playing with fucking fire.

“Cut it out, Belle.”

“Or what?” She fluttered her black eyelashes at me and sucked in her ruby red lip. I moved my gaze away from her to scan the room for any witnesses to our exchange. She always did this. Behaved inappropriately in public to get me on my own because she knew it would always work.

“Or I ring your husband and tell him to come and get your ass,” I growled, lowering my face to tower above hers. Even in her heels, she only came up to my shoulder height.

“Go ahead,” she smirked, pulling her wrist from my grip. “I’ll be sure to tell him how he doesn’t need to take orders from you. How he has more right to the Barbieri empire because he is actually married to the only true child of Die-”

I grabbed her arm roughly and marched her towards the elevator, dragging her inside as soon as it opened. She burst out laughing, spinning in her heels away from me to lean back against the mirrored wall. She placed her hands on the gold railings and I turned my back to her pressing the penthouse button as the doors shut.

“I have something for you,” she flirted from behind me. I folded my arms across my chest and exhaled. “Some information you are going to want to know…”

“If it’s information that I want to know, I will find it out for myself. Without your help.”

“Suit yourself. But this involves the Buccinis…”

I rolled my eyes but my curiosity had been ignited and she knew it. The doors pinged open and I stormed out into the private living area. Leisurely, she strutted in behind me. The sound of her heels clipping against the marble just made my irritation grow with every step.

“Go on then. I’m listening…” I replied, resting my ass against the dining table.

She kept up her supermodel strut, slowly undoing the bow on the hip of her dress until it fell apart revealing her completely naked body, no underwear at all. I kept my eyes on hers, refusing to allow the temptation of those huge tits and perfect curves to rattle me.

“What’s the rush, Alessio?” She dropped the dress off her shoulders completely, letting it pool to the floor as she stepped between my legs, completely naked except for her black heels. “You know all information comes at a price.”

“Not when the price is too high, Isabelle,” I hissed, pushing her back by her shoulders and walking towards the window to stare out at the view of the landscape instead of what my dick was now begging me to focus on.

Her hands ran up my back, under my shirt and my body tensed. “You sure about that, fratello? Surely there is no price higher than the truth… of everyone knowing who their leader really is?”

I snapped. Rage rippled through me like racing lava as I turned and grabbed her by the throat, slamming her naked body against the glass window. She gasped, her lips parting before desire transformed her face into a sick grin.

“You still think you can blackmail me to fuck you with that shit? Papi would kill you for even breathing a word of it to anyone.”

“Not if he kills you first! For fucking his daughter behind his back.”

I growled, slamming her back against the glass again as I tightened my grip on her throat. I never touch women. But she made me crazy. Always had.

She laughed, arching her back so her tits pressed into my chest and she reached into my joggers as she started to work my semi-hard dick. No matter how much I despised this woman, she knew how to turn me the fuck on, which only made me hate her more.

“I can see it in your eyes, Alessio. Just one little taste… and then you fuck me hard against this window… it’s all I want,” she husked, running her tongue over her teeth as I felt my grip on her throat loosening with every skillful caress of my cock. She lowered herself to her knees and I closed my eyes, allowing what always happened to happen. She knew she owned me. Her and Diego owned my ass from the moment he found me in that crack den, a scared and broken boy. Everything I had ever built… everything I had worked so hard to become… she had the power to take it all away from me with a snap of her manipulative fingers. And we both knew it.

So, I let her suck my dick. I fucked her mouth hard. Wrapped up. And then I fucked her against the window like she asked. Angry, obscene sex.

We laid naked on the bed after, panting heavily. That familiar sickening shame snaking up my spine. She twisted her body to lay her head on my chest, her long black curls cascading across the bed. On the outside, she looked like an angel but on the inside, she was Satan.
