Page 8 of Mystery of Magic

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“Jeremy, are you here?” I called out as I climbed the stairs to the second floor of my former home. It was now so different from what it had once been now that it had become a suite for my son Caleb. The old master bedroom had been transformed into a kitchen with a cozy den tucked to one side, complete with a single bed and a dresser. We joked that it was Jeremy’s room, though a ghost certainly didn’t need one.

Caleb’s room and the main bathroom remained untouched. But the main closet had undergone a significant transformation, now housing a stand-up washer and dryer.

I stopped in the hallway before Caleb’s door, knowing he was at the museum helping the other hunters move the debris to the base.

“Jeremy,” I called out as Daryn searched for our mysterious ghost.

I turned the handle, and the door swung open, revealing a space that had been carefully decorated with love and attention to detail. I crossed the room, my fingers lightly tracing the edge of his dresser. The familiar scent of Caleb’s body spray still lingered in the air, mingling with the anticipation of what lay ahead. It was a bittersweet moment, the realization that my baby had grown up, finding his independence in the world I had wanted to avoid.

“Shannon, is that you?” I heard footsteps on the stairs and exited Caleb’s room.

I recognized Mike’s voice. “Hey. I was wondering where you were.”

Mike was in his early sixties, but his vocation kept him in pristine shape. His muscular form was reminiscent of the hours he spent every week doing manual labor, and his eyes twinkled with warmth. He was the kind of man you liked and trusted only seconds after meeting him.

“I’m glad you had time to stop by and check out our progress. Do you want to take a look at the plans for the store? I was wondering if you picked one of the color schemes my wife sent over.”

I smiled at him. “They are all so lovely. She is incredibly talented.”

Mike smiled. “She is. My home looks like something out of a magazine and I can’t take credit for any of it.”

“Liar. I know you built that entire home from the ground up, but I am sure Tanya is responsible for all the decor.”

“That she is. Would you like a rundown of the storage room? We are starting that first so you can start piling inventory while we build the showroom.”

I had to admit, I would never have thought of that. I assumed the main area would be first. But what use was a showroom with nothing to fill it with? “I would love to, but we only have a few minutes. Can we catch up next time? I completely trust you with this.”

Mike nodded. “I know you are busy. I am just headed to the store to order the cabinets. The measurements are done, and we will be ready for them by the time the storage room is complete.”

“Thanks, Mike,” I said as he nodded and headed back down the stairs.

“Man, we lucked out getting him,” I whispered.

Daryn rubbed my back. “We did. Let’s see if we can find Jeremy. We can’t stay too long. I want to get back to the base when the debris has been moved.”

I walked down the hallway toward the new kitchen and almost jumped out of my skin when Jeremy formed beside me.

“Hello, Shannon.”

My hand slapped to my chest. “You really have to work on your entrances. Can you wear a bell or something?”

Jeremey smiled, and his blue eyes sparkled. He preferred his thirty-year-old form to that of the child, and I had become accustomed to it now. “I could, but it would not produce a sound until I am corporeal.”

I reached out and ran a hand through his form. It passed through his body, though he appeared real. “You aren’t that corporeal.”

He laughed. “I must concentrate to physically move things within my home. I prefer not to... sap my strength for modesty’s sake.”

“Fair enough. The place looks good.”

Jeremy frowned. “It takes some getting used to, but Caleb loves it. He keeps insisting the small room is mine.”

“The whole house is yours. You aren’t confined to a single room,” I said.

“True. But I believe Caleb likes to think of me as a roommate. He even introduced me as such to one of his friends.”

I pursed my lips and glanced at Daryn. “Did Caleb’s friend know you are...”

“Dead? Yes. She is one of his teammates. But the human contactor is blissfully unaware of my non-living status. He believes I am your cousin.”

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