Page 38 of Mystery of Magic

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The scroll was covered in a web of intricate tunnelways, each one leading to destinations unknown. They twisted and turned, intersecting and diverging in ways that defied logic. It was as if I had stumbled upon a map to another realm, a hidden world waiting to be discovered.

I leaned in closer, my eyes tracing the convoluted pathways, and my mind raced with questions. What secrets did these tunnels hold? Were they pathways to hidden treasures, forgotten civilizations, or perhaps a realm beyond this one?

“I wonder what it says?” I whispered as I continued to examine the scroll. I couldn’t help but smile. Life had a way of surprising us, even in our later years. This felt like a treasure map, one that led to the pursuit of knowledge and adventure.

Daryn’s phone beeped, and he glanced at it. “Cipher thinks it’s an underground map. The symbols are ancient Sumerian, but they depict the use of dark magic.”

“Some kind of treasure?”

“One they wanted sealed away forever. He says the writing is actually a warning. The object at the center of this tunnel is cursed. It’s warded and protected by some kind of ancient power.”

“Are you going to have Cipher try to figure out what it is?”

“Of course. I’m guessing that Darwin was killed because he got a hold of this map. The question is if anyone else saw it before he was killed.”

“You think the murderer could be after the treasure?”

“Yes, and may already be on his way to it. We have to find out either way.”

Cipher’s voice echoed through the room. “Hey, boss. We have a problem.”

Daryn tapped his tattoo. “What is it?”

“I was pretty sure the symbol in the corner represented the king of the underworld, so I showed the map to Kenji.”

“What did she say?”

“She confirmed the symbol was the king. But she also told me this map is a prison. A design that originated in the underworld.”

“This is a map of the underworld?”

“No. It was constructed here,” Cipher said.

“By who?”

“The former council.”

“Why?” Daryn asked.

“The symbol below the king represents the Dark Witch.”

Daryn’s eyes flickered with power. “Someone is looking for the Dark Witch.”


Daryn cursed. “We need to head back to the base. You need some rest, and I want Cipher to track Cage and anybody he has had contact with.”

I wanted to disagree with him, but I yawned before I could respond. “Yeah, that might be a good idea.”

Daryn took my hand and led me back to the security desk. “Dawson, make sure nobody enters that room until my hunters arrive. They will be here in two minutes to remove the body and process the scene.”

The security guard nodded. “No problem, Daryn.”

Leaving the grim scene behind, we got on the elevator. As the steel doors closed, I couldn’t help but replay the images of the lifeless body and the spelled dagger in my mind. Why had the manager of a mundane-run company been murdered over a map? Mundanes knew nothing of the supernatural world.

The soft hum of the elevator’s descent was a soothing contrast to the chaos I had just left behind. The polished brass interior reflected my somber expression, a reminder of the gravity of the situation. Each floor we passed marked a step away from the enigma that had gripped the office.

As we reached the lobby, the floodlights still illuminated the walkway, casting a glow that seemed to guide our way out. I exited the elevator, feeling a mixture of exhaustion and determination. The lobby was still empty, its elegance and quiet grandeur serving as a stark contrast to the death above.

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