Page 28 of Mystery of Magic

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As soon as Indy and Kaine sat down at the kitchen table, Daryn tapped his tattoo. Using the private hunter link instead of the panel meant he wanted their discussion private.

“Luther, can you bring Esme to my suite? We have a few questions for her?”

Luther’s voice held a quiver of wariness. “Is something wrong?”

“Yes. I am concerned about her safety. Bring her up now.”

“On our way,” he said before he cut the link.

Daryn grabbed some sodas from the fridge and placed them on the table. Indy and Kaine grabbed one each and popped the tab just before Luther and Esme opened the door and joined us.

The couple took a seat at the table and Esme grabbed one of the sodas before leaning back in her seat. Her soda trembled slightly in her hand as she opened it, making a slight hissing sound.

“What happened?” Esme asked.

Daryn sat down and crossed his legs. I knew he was trying to make Esme feel comfortable, but this news would scare her. She was basically a mundane, but her demon blood seemed toincrease her reflexes and healing ability somewhat. Those small upgrades had allowed Daryn to put her in the hunter program and had opened the door for the council to start a hybrid training center in the future. Esme was the only member currently, as Daryn hadn’t had time to get the ball rolling for new hybrid recruits yet. “We have a new development concerning the hybrids.”

Esme leaned forward, but her breath sucked in slightly. “The king is back?”

“No, but we have encountered three hybrids. They are all dead.”

Esme put a hand to her chest. “Am I going to die?”

Luther growled, and Daryn shook his head. “They were killed by demons.”

“What?” she asked.

Daryn grabbed one of the sodas. “We were hoping you could help us. We have no idea how they were infected, and I was wondering if you feel anything? When the king was allowing his essence to leak into our realm, all the hybrids felt it.”

Esme shook her head. “I don’t feel anything. That’s good, right?”

Daryn nodded. “Kenji said that the king needed a conduit on this side to create a kind of tether for his essence to leave the underworld. She didn’t think there was another one here. She doesn’t believe the king would have infused one of Magnus’ children, but there are no guarantees.”

Indy took a sip of her soda. “Luther, we need someone to investigate all the hybrids. Esme hasn’t been affected, but the wards around the base could be protecting her. These hybrids were different than the first generation. They appear more human. Noreen is doing an autopsy on one now, but she feels the same. That they are more... human.”

Luther nodded. “We have a list of all the hybrids we are awareof. I will head up this investigation personally and keep Esme on base until we are sure she can’t be affected. She can help me with contacting the individuals by phone and email. Cipher was looking for more of Magnus’ descendants. Can I get that updated list?”

Daryn nodded. “I will have him send it to you immediately. Please let us know if you begin to feel anything, Esme.”

She nodded. “I will. Is there any other way a hybrid could be infected?”

Daryn pointed to me. “Shannon suggested his blood. We don’t think he has a supply here, but there is always a possibility and maybe even an artifact that can affect an individual. I am guessing whatever he is using can only infect one person at a time. At least I hope so.”

I touched Daryn’s arm. “We didn’t ask Kenji about previous hybrids. We assumed that Magnus was the first, but we could be wrong about that.”

Daryn stared at me. “Shit. You are right. We need to talk to her again.”

Luther stood before pulling out Esme’s chair. “Esme and I will start contacting the known hybrids. I will contact you if anyone is missing. They left their lives when they began to change last time.”

Daryn nodded. “Thank you, Luther. Esme.”

We waited for them to leave before we placed our soda cans on the counter and headed out of the suite.

Kaine stopped at the elevator. “Can I meet you in Kenji’s suite? I have something for her and will go grab it.”

Daryn nodded, and Kaine jogged back toward the front entrance. Likely to his vehicle.

The elevator chimed, and we filed in. Indy leaned against the far wall. “He won’t admit it, but he adores that Imp.”

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