Page 25 of Mystery of Magic

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As we made our way back toward the cave’s entrance, the red eyes continued to watch us from the shadows, their malevolent gaze never wavering. The demons had the advantage inside these caves, but they couldn’t hide forever.

As soon as we breached the cave mouth, Daryn and Kaine placed the dead man on the ground. Daryn flicked his wrist and alavender screen appeared in midair. I sometimes forgot just how powerful and talented my parafinai was. He was connected to the magic that secured the base as well as the hunter link.

There was a slow beeping sound before Kenji’s face appeared on the other side. She was in her preferred little girl form and her eyes lit up when she saw Daryn.

“Hunter leader. You call to tell Kenji she is pretty?” she asked while batting her eyes at Daryn.

Daryn smiled. “You know you can call me Daryn, Kenji. And you are very pretty. I am hoping I can get your help with something.”

“I know, but you are on a hunt. Seems... official.”

Daryn nodded. “We found a hybrid.”

Kenji’s face paled and rippled slightly, as if she lost control of her emotions. “The king is locked in the underworld. His essence cannot transfer through the gate. He needs a conduit on this side. It can’t happen without the prince.”

Daryn frowned. “Could one of Magnus’ children pass on this essence?”

Kenji shook her head. “Only someone that the king trusted with his essence. He infused the prince himself. It is powerful and weakens him. There was no other since the prince.”

“Is there any chance this happened without your knowledge?”

Kenji put her delicate fingertips to her mouth. “I suppose. Kenji a good scout, but it is possible.”

“Thank you, Kenji.”

Kenji held her hand up when it appeared Daryn would cut communications. “Can Kaine make tea for Kenji soon? You make him work so hard he never has time.”

Indy grunted. “That’s because he was busted to level two status, but he is a senior again Kenji. He should have more time now.”

Kaine grunted. “I can speak for myself.”

Kenji nodded. “Yes, but Indy’s dominant. It is considered rude not to ask one’s superiors.”

Daryn coughed as Kaine’s jaw dropped.

Indy didn’t stifle her laugh. “Kenji, I love you so much.”

Kenji smiled sweetly at her. “Sisters need to stick together to raise their brothers. We will ensure Kaine makes an adequate mate someday.”

“Adequate?” Indy burst into another fit of laughter as Daryn pinched the ridge of his nose.

“Thank you, Kenji. We will discuss this later. We have to go.” He cut the link and the screen in midair went dark.

Kaine shot his laughing sister a dirty look before turning to Daryn. “What is our next move?”

Daryn reached down and grabbed the shoulders of the dead young man. “We take the body to Noreen Murkwood.”

Kaine grabbed the ankles before we began walking back toward the vehicle. “The supernatural coroner. I haven’t seen her in two years.”

Daryn’s boots shuffled against the dirt. “We typically know how a supernatural being dies. She is only called in to investigate a suspicious death. But these hybrids seem slightly different than the first batch. It’s something about the eyes. The hybrids all returned to normal after the king was disconnected from this realm, and I am hoping Noreen can compare the samples we saved from the hybrids. She has special skills when it comes to tracing magic. We didn’t need her before because we knew the king was responsible.”

I put my hands in my jacket pockets as we walked. “Why haven’t I met her before? Does she do any work at the base?”

Daryn shook his head. “No. Hunters usually die from a demon attack. We rarely need her help. If a supernatural dies, she is the one they call to do an autopsy. It’s usually a heart attack or some other mundane reason, but we can’t let their coroner do ourautopsies. In the event the murder has supernatural causes, that is.”

“I suppose that makes sense. Do people use their powers to... murder someone often?”

“Not at all. If they do, then we put them in prison. It’s rare for a member of Spirit Falls to turn to dark magic.”

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