Page 13 of Mystery of Magic

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Caleb’s smile was slow in coming. “I never considered beast mode as an early warning system, but I actually feel her distress before she transforms. So I will keep everyone apprised of her... mood.”

Daryn nodded. “Excellent idea.”

Luther’s voice echoed through Caleb’s small room at the base. “Nobody else was affected. We checked in with everyone, just in case.”

“Thank you.” He cut the link. “This appears to be affecting you and Caleb only. It could be because the others are not powerful enough or because you have a link to the pendant.”

Caleb ran his hand over Sphinx’s fur. The cat was still distressed, and her tail twitched in irritation, but she remained curled at his feet. “I don’t have a connection to the pendant. I never touched that thing.”

Daryn sat back down on the chair and pulled me onto his lap. He rubbed my back as he stared at my son. “Caleb, your mother was connected to that pendant. It knows her... blood. Anyone ofher bloodline with necro power can call to that pendant. It seeks... a host.”

I rubbed my arms as goosebumps formed on my skin. “You think someone is controlling the pendant? How is that possible? You need necro magic for that.”

Daryn rubbed the stubble at his chin. I loved that he was growing it out some because I told him I liked it. “Maybe there is some kind of demon that can access the artifact at the behest of the king. He can transfer his essence, maybe he is able to empower his disciples. We know he has the equivalent of lieutenants in the underworld. Perhaps some survived the war, or he was able to get one to safety during one of the breaches.”

I shook my head. “I don’t think so. Magnus was part human. It was his mother’s blood that allowed him to use magical artifacts in our world. He was empowered. That isn’t true for the demons of the underworld.”

Daryn’s jaw twitched. “His bloodline. Is there any chance that one of Magnus’ children has stolen the pendant? One of his offspring. Perhaps there is a necro out there that we are unaware of.”

I nibbled my lip. “I suppose it’s possible. He wanted to create an army and look for his mother’s prison. There is no information on the whereabouts and Lochlan looked; if the master couldn’t find it, then nobody can.”

Daryn nodded. “It could be at the bottom of the ocean for all we know. The portal could have sent her anywhere. It is likely the previous council chose somewhere that could not be... stumbled upon.”

I touched my chest, but this was not a surge of dark magic. This was as innate to my body as breathing. “The breach map has been activated.”

Daryn tapped his hunter link. “Do we have a breach?”

Marlin was cursing when Daryn connected. “Yeah, we havetwo demons near the tree line. This is the second time we have been breached at that gate in the last two weeks. They used to prefer locations closer to town. They are already running for the tree line. We will lose them in the foliage.”

Daryn put his hands on his hips. “They know the maps are weakest where they intersect. Magnus informed them of our weaknesses. They are avoiding us.”

Caleb stood as Sphinx purred and rubbed against his pant leg. “Can I help? I’m feeling better. Whatever that pendant was doing, it was making me sick, but I feel better now.”

Daryn glanced at me. “Your mother used her connection to the breach magic to break the link between you and the dark magic. Her magic has a buffer that yours doesn’t.” He glanced at Sphinx. “Or your connection to the veil makes you more vulnerable since this is distorted necro magic.”

My heart stuttered. “You think the pendant can hurt Caleb?”

Daryn shrugged. “I have no idea. We don’t know much about it, other than who it belonged to and what she did with it. Sphinx is a whole different ballgame. A shadow cat and the pendant have never intersected before. The pendant was created long after the hunters stopped creating shadow cats. All I can say is both have a connection to the veil. To the dead.”

I turned to Daryn. “What do you want to do?”

Daryn stared at Sphinx. “I don’t want to take her off base at this time. She just recovered from her hissy fit. Let’s not push it. You and I will return to the breach map, and we will portal to the incursion site.”

I nodded. “Caleb, I will come check on you later. Why don’t you take Sphinx for a stroll outside, just stay inside the perimeter?”

Caleb looked disappointed, but he knew better than to question an order. I was his mother, but I was also his superior with full hunter status. “Will do.”

I winked at Caleb before I followed Daryn from the room. The hunters from Caleb’s team were still in the hallway and they were completely quiet as we passed them and returned to the elevator.

Daryn turned to me as soon as the doors slid closed. “They are nervous. The destruction of the museum has shaken them.”

“They survived a war with the demon king. The museum’s destruction is horrible, but it doesn’t compare to surviving a war.”

“Shannon, you misunderstand. The museum was breached, despite Marty having obsidian magic to protect it. The masters were able to stop an entire demon army from infiltrating the lower floors of this base with that protection spell. We have to confirm the pendant was the cause and not just another item stolen during the theft. We need to confirm the artifact was inside the building before the museum exploded.”

“We have a pretty good idea. How else could the perpetrator have done it?”

Daryn touched my cheek. “We don’t know for sure, and the hunters need answers.”

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