Page 8 of Baby Daddy

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“I sure wish your daddy hadn’t done that,” she admitted in a low voice. “I’m afraid it set a bad example. And it left hard feelings between the two of you.”

Cassidy’s simple observation threatened to rip through Ty’s callused hide. It came across as unbearably painful. He had to get this show on the road and this kid on his way. Fast. Before he formed an attachment to a honey-warm voice and a prickly ten-year-old brainiac. He punched the hold button before Hutch could get to it. “Let’s move this along, kid. And stop coloring the results. Just ask the questions, let her answer them and move on to the next. Got it?”

“Yeah. Igot it.” Hutch sounded as subdued as his mother. “And so’s you know... It wasn’t Lonnie’s running off that left hard feelings. It was what he said on his way out the door.He hasn’t called since he took off and...” The chin wobbled for a telling instant. “And he made Mom cry. The next guy she marries isn’t gonna do that. He’s gonna make her laugh.”

Ty stirred, suffering from a nasty case of empathy. The kid just wanted his mother to be happy. Too bad he thought a man could do that for her. “Look, boy,” he said gently, “you don’t find happiness by getting married. You find it inside yourself first and then share it with others. Sometimes through marriage. And sometimes through friendship.”

Hutch folded his arms tight across his narrow chest. “You sound like my mom.”

That didn’t surprise him. Cassidy sounded like a levelheaded woman—unlike her stubborn son. “Maybe you ought to listen to her.”

“Maybe,” the boy muttered. “What’s the next question?”

Ty scanned the page. Damn. “I’ll read off this particular bunch, if you don’t mind.”


“And you’re not going to interrupt?”

Hutch shrugged. “Not unless she gets it wrong.”

Ty bit back his response and punched the hold button. “Ms. Lonigan?”

“Still here, Ty.” To his relief, she sounded a lot more chipper.

“These next few are going to be a bit personal. Just answer them the best you’re able.”

“Go ahead.”

“What’s your favorite way to spend an evening?” He found himself unexpectedly curious to hear the answer.

“That’s an easy one,” Cassidy replied. “I’d spend it in a hot, scented bubble bath with a bunch of those stinky candles Hutch hates so much. Oh! And a good book.”

Ty blinked at the image his mind created, the fantasy made easy thanks to one slightly creased photo. He pictured mounds of frothy bubbles clinging to white silky skin and dark hair piled on top of her head, with damp strands surrounding a piquant face. Huge, somber gray eyes with a hint of mischief sparkling in their depths would peek at him from the middle of the tub. And candlelight would catch in the bubbles and play across her shoulders, emphasizing the purity of her skin. He’d swipe a speck of foam from the tip of her upturned nose before leaning down to—

“Is that all your questions?” Cassidy interrupted.

Ty snatched up the application. Keep your mind on business, son! “Sorry. Ihave a few more. What are your strengths and weaknesses?”

“Boy, those are tough ones. Iguess I’d say I’m a hard worker.” She’d probably had to be, Ty acknowledged. “As for weaknesses...”

“You’re too generous,” Hutch spokeup.

“That’s not a weakness, sugar.” There was a brief pause and then she sighed. “To be perfectly honest, Iguess I’m too darn proud. Iwant to take care of myself and Hutch so I don’t have to depend on anyone ever again. Whatever I need, Iplan to get for myself.”

Ty considered her comment. No doubt her ex had a lot to do with her attitude. He could understand that. Cassidy Lonigan reminded him of Willie—astrong, determined woman, chock-full of passion and energy. He smiled. Hell, she should have beena Texan born and bred. She’d fit right in. “Next question. What’s your idea of a perfect date?”

“Goodness, that’s an odd one,” she said with a trace of uncertainty. “You said this is for a science project?”

“Yes,” Hutch injected hastily. “I’ll explain it to you after it’s done.”

“Well... Iguess a perfect date would be yellow roses and food.” Her laugh eased across the line, stirring an odd sensation deep in Ty’s gut. He could almost see her face light up, her expression filled with humor and spirit and character. “So long as you feed me, I’m happy.”

“And the yellow roses?”

“I like them. They’re...hopeful.”

“She’s got a thing for them,” Hutch whispered. “That’s why I picked this place.”

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