Page 11 of Baby Daddy

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Ty frowned. No. He’d sensed Cassidy Lonigan was a warmhearted woman devoted to her son—awoman thrilled to her tippytoes that Hutch had a friend. Afriend she’d immediately invited over for dinner. “She’ll date whomever the computer picks. She won’t like it, but she’ll do it for the boy.”

“There you are, then. Problem solved.”

“It’s not solved, Willie.” He frowned, not quite sure why he involved himself in the Lonigan match. He had more than enough work waiting at the ranch. Nice, strenuous, mind-numbing jobs. The sort that didn’t leave room for thoughts of Georgia peaches and porcupineboys.

But Willie had raised him from the time he was a snot-nosed whelp. He owed her more than he could ever hope to repay. Investing in her company and checking up on her business interests periodically was a small way of showing his appreciation. “Is it wise to encourage this kid’s scheme when it’s clear his mother isn’t interested?”

“Perhaps she’ll discover the man of her dreams,” Willie replied complacently, setting the porch swing in motion. “That is what we do, Ty.”

He released his breath in a gusty sigh. “You’ve been borrowing Wanda’s rose-tinted glasses, haven’t you? Ihate when you do that.”

Willie chuckled. “Don’t pick on Wanda. She’s the best employee I have.”

“That’s open to debate.”

“Just because she’s a romantic—”

“That’s not the objection I have to her and you darn well know it.”

Willie brushed that aside. “It’s not like we don’t have a few romantic legends in our own family.”

“Don’t start that again,” he warned.

“You’re the most hardheaded man I know.” Her snowy brows drew together, signaling her annoyance. “Do you really think I’d have told you about The Kiss if I didn’t believe in itmyself? What do you take me for? Some doddering old half-witted fool?”

“Yup.” He joined his grandmother on the swing and slung an arm around her shoulders, plying her with the sense of humor he’d inherited from the Eden branch of the family. “I suspect you’re one step away from a padded room with a beefy guard named Louie.”

Willie clicked her tongue in exasperation. “Oh, go on with you. I’m serious. Because you haven’t kissed the right woman yet doesn’t mean she isn’t out there wondering what the heck fire’s keeping you.”

“You’ve been feeding me this story since I was a baby,” he objected. “When are you going to give it up?”

“Never! It was as true for your parents as it was for your grandfather and me. Just as it was true for his parents before him, and his before that. Mark my words. It’ll happen to you, too.”

Ty bit off a laugh. “One kiss and I’ll know.”

“Whether it’s true love.” She gave an adamant nod. “Yes, sir, you will. It’s taking you a bit longer than it did the rest of us is all.”

“I believe we were discussing Cassidy Lonigan’s love life. Why don’t we focus on that and keep me out of it?” He didn’t wait for her to agree—which was probably just as well since it looked as though agreeing with him was the last thing likely to escape the sharp edge of her tongue. “That reporter’s still sniffing around, isn’t she?”

“She was...intrigued by young Hutch. She was particularly intrigued by the fact that we let him buy a date for only nine dollars.”

Ty didn’t like the sound of that. “She didn’t think you were doing it as a publicity stunt, did she? I’d be happy to clarify the matter for her.”

Willie waved off his concern. “Yes, the question was raised. And I set the woman straight in short order.”

Somewhat appeased, Ty asked, “So this reporter’s going to follow up on the dates the Yellow Rose arranges?”

Willie shrugged. “Probably.”

“And when nothing good comes from it? What if Cassidy rejects the candidates the computer chooses?”

“Why don’t we worry about that if it happens?”

Something in his grandmother’s tone had him fixing her with a sharp-eyed gaze. She sounded almost... complacent. That had to mean trouble. “Why don’t we worry about it now. Perhaps we can come up with some alternate ideas if the worst happens.”

“You’re such a pessimist, Ty.”

“I’m realistic. Cassidy Lonigan had one bad marriage. From what the boy said, she’s tried various other relationships without any success. So he’s decided to take the matter in hand. That’s not a formula guaranteed to yield positive results.”

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