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“I’m serious.” I run a hand through my hair. “I won’t risk Cadence over it. I can’t.” I’ve never seen Catarino look so surprised. I think for a moment his eyes might pop from their sockets.

“But …” He clears his throat. “You only wanted to get close to her tosealthe deal. This isn’t part of the plan. You can’t–”

“Can’t what?” I almost growl it.

A long sigh escapes him. “You can’t fall in love and tank everything you’ve worked so hard for. You’ve got Fraser right where you want him, and now you’re going to throw it all away.”

I wave a hand through the air dismissively. “Fraser still has cards to play. It isn’t cut and dried.”

He pulls out his phone. “It is now.”

“How’s that?”

“I called in one of our big favors. Dr. Snead at Mercy General.”

I cock my head to the side. “Youwhat?” I’d gotten him out of a jam a few years ago over a missing shipment of Fentanyl. It worked out well–he kept his license, I kept the Fentanyl, and I only had to threaten the head of the hospital and a few admin suits.

He shrugs. “I’d heard some whisperings about a health scare. Something about a lot of house calls to Fraser’s place by his personal doctor.”

My heart stammers. If something were to happen to Cadence’s father, she’d be devastated. They might not be on the best terms or always on the same page, but I can sense the love between them. “What is it?”

“He’s got cancer. Pancreatic. It’s treatable. They caught it early. His chances aren’t perfect, but they aren’t worst case scenario. All the same, he’ll have to go in for chemo and–of course–take a leave of absence. Once the shareholders find out–”

“The company will be as good as mine.” I feel that truth settle like a weight in my chest. I’ll have what I wanted, but Cadence will suffer. So I won’t have what I want after all.

“Boss!” A voice echoes down the hallway.

Cat draws his gun, and I have my pistol out of my drawer when a sharp rap sounds at the door.


Cat points his gun at the door jamb and slowly opens it, then swings it wide. “What the hell, Leo?”

Leo is panting, his eyes wide. “It happened so fast. They were waiting just out of sight, and when the gate opened, they-they-they took her. She was in your car, and she got past the gates before I could make it there to stop her. The Caesars–”

I grab him by the shirt and jerk him toward me. “The Caesars have Cadence?”

He gulps and nods. “I’m sorry. I tried to–”

I shove him aside and hurry into the hallway. Rage pounds through my veins, adrenaline pulsing and speeding my steps. I have to get to her. I have to get to hernow.

“Cat!” I yell.

“Right behind you. They couldn’t have gotten far.”

“Keep her safe, but stop them. Don’t let them get her to a second location, no matter what.” I slam the door open into the garage and climb into my black SUV. Cat jumps astride his motorcycle, and we both tear out through the open garage door.

My heart is stampeding, thoughts of Cadence being hurt playing through my mind. I grit my teeth and turn hard onto the main road, heading toward the city. They think they made a clean getaway. I’ll show them just how dirty I can get.

Cat speeds past me, his engine revving as he eats up the pavement. I put the pedal down, following him until he zooms around a curve and out of view.

I hit the Bluetooth and hook up to the headset in his helmet. “Anything?”

“Not yet.”

My knuckles turn white as I grip the steering wheel, true fear icing through me at the thought of her scared or hurt. The Caesars won’t survive this. I’ll make sure of it. I’ll kill every last one of them for daring to touch her.

“Got ‘em!” Cat’s voice snaps through the car. “They turned onto 307, taking the backroads to the city. Bastards are so stupid they’re using the most obvious fucking kidnapper van in history.”

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