Page 68 of Deacon

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"Not going to happen," David told him as he walked behind them. "You hurt her before, and I warned you against doing so."

They all piled inside, with Delores leading into the living room.

Turning to face them, she folded her arms over her breasts. "Speak and make it quick. I am tired and want to go to bed."

Deacon's mouth tightened as he looked from one to the other. He would have preferred to do this with her alone, but he supposed he did not deserve any form of concession after what he had done.

"I want to apologize for being an ass."

She inclined her head gracefully. "Now I can sleep without having nightmares."

She saw when he struggled for calm. "I saw you with that man's arms around you and his lips on yours, and it brought back memories."

"Of your cheating ex-wife."

David was leaning against the door frame, his arms folded.

"Yes." Deacon clipped. "I wanted to take you out to lunch-" he passed a hand over the back of his neck, eyes swiveling to the man standing there. "You could do the damn decent thing and leave us alone."

"Not going to happen. Continue."

Deacon almost snarled at him and had to take a breath. "I was wrong to make assumptions when you told me the guy was a friend. I- I-" he closed his eyes briefly. "I was scared."

"Of what?"

"Of making a mistake. I have fallen in love with you, and it is even worse than before. You consume me; you fill every area of my mind, and I cannot function when I think of you. I love you completely, and what I felt for Janice was a pale shadow of what I feel for you."


"No." he shook his head, no longer caring about her brother. "Just let me finish. Janice cheated on me, but it was not on her alone. I ignored her in my pursuit to build the company. I often left her alone and would break her planned dates." His eyes darkened. "I behaved irrationally with you because I was jealous. I am sorry."

"You love me," Delores whispered, moving towards him.

"Yes. God help me."

"He will, darling." She walked toward him, and they were both so caught up that they did not realize David had gone until they heard the front door slam shut.

"I hurt you, and I am so sorry."

"It does not matter." She moved into his arms, and he lifted her and went out of the room and up the stairs, not stopping until he placed her on the bed.

"You are pregnant." Kicking off his shoes, he slid in next to her.

"Yes." Taking his hand, she placed it against her flat stomach. "And I was planning on coming to tell you after I met with Carter."

"I am so sorry."

"It's okay, you are here now."

His eyes darkened. "You have given me a new lease on life."

"And you have given me love and a family. Something I never thought I wanted."

"I will probably hurt you again." He said solemnly.

"And we will talk it through."

Heaving out a breath, he met her eyes. "I want to tell you."

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