Page 63 of Deacon

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"No." She shook her head. "The guy was getting too clingy, and I was about to end things anyway. I was married to my job."


"Yes." She met his eyes squarely. "Ever since I met you, it has become a far second or third. I happen to love my brother a lot. We are very close, and he can be a pain in the ass when he claims he is protecting me." She paused again, trailing a finger through the whorls of hairs on his chest. "He checked on you."

His eyebrows lifted. "Is that so? What did he find?"

"Several things."

"Such as?" He persisted.

"Threats made to your wife. Investigations by the SEC and such."

"And you are still here, or do you get off on that sort of thing?" There was a hard edge to his voice.

"I am in love with you-"

"Just stop." He shoved at her, but she would not let go.

"What the hell is your problem?"

"You," He told her coldly. "You don't know anything about me, and you keep making declarations of love. It makes me wonder what the hell you are up to."

"What do you think I am up to?" She asked him patiently.

"I have no idea. I need a drink."

"I am not moving."

He gave her an amused look. "What do you weigh? A hundred and ten? Fifteen? I top over two hundred, and it's pure muscle. Picking you up would be like moving one of those chairs-" He jerked his head at the set of Queen Anne chairs facing the large mantle.

"I know that, and I would like to know why you are so upset that my brother ran a check on you. He is concerned-"

"That I am going to strangle you?" He asked caustically.

"That you are not good enough for me."

He stared at her briefly. "he might be right."

"He does not get to choose for me."

"You are wasting your time. I already told you that I am not capable of loving anyone."

Her heart thudded at that, but she ignored the despair. "I don't believe that."

"Why?" The sarcasm in his voice was heavy. "Because we are so good together in bed?"

"Something like that. You are making her win."

"You don't know a damn thing."

"Then tell me."

Instead, he pushed her back against the pillows and climbed over her. "Let's not talk at all." He entered her forcefully, hands gripping her head, eyes sizzling. "Just shut up." His mouth seized her roughly as he drove into her.

Later, much later, when he had exhausted them both by making rough love to her twice, she curled against him fast asleep. But he lay there staring up at the ceiling, his emotions in a quandary.

How he had wanted to accept that she was in love with him! He had found himself yearning for it – for her. And it would have been a mistake. He had fallen under once before, almost breaking him in two.

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