Page 53 of Deacon

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His eyes flared at that. “So much that you went out with someone else.” There was a sardonic lift to his lips.

“I was not going to be sitting around and pining over you, even though I was. And it was partly a business outing. Carter has agreed to let one of our ghostwriters tell his story. He is a friend.” She stressed.

“Who wants to sleep with you.”

“Maybe. He did ask me to go back to his place.”

He stiffened at that. “Why are you telling me?”

“Just saying.” Lifting a hand, she trailed a finger down the deep indentation in his strong chin. “It’s okay to say you missed me too.”

“I don’t know what you mean.” He avoided her golden-brown eyes by staring at the TV mounted on the wall.

“I won’t push this time. I have something to tell you.”

His eyes swung to her. “What is it?”

She huffed out a breath and wondered if she would send him running. But she had decided, and there was no turning back. “Do you know why I agreed to this unusual proposal?”

“I assumed it’s because it is something you can work with.”

“It’s much, much more than that.”

“Like what?”

She climbed on top of him as if trying to trap him with her body.

“Like, I have fallen in love with you.”

He simply stared at her as he went still.

“You must be out of your damn mind.” He did not try to push her off him, and she considered that progress.

“I must be.” She mused.

“You don’t know me, and I do not want your love.”

She felt her heart twisting into knots. “You have it. Look, I am not going to pressure you about returning my love- “

“That’s good because that is not possible.” He snapped.

“I have an idea of what you went through- “

“Is that so?” He drawled silkily. “Why don’t you tell me what that is?”

She flinched at his hard and uncompromising look and the sound of his voice.

“I heard- “She closed her eyes briefly and determinedly lifted her chin. “She cheated on you, and letting her win would be a mistake.”

“Is that what I am doing?” He asked softly.

“If you close yourself off- “

“You want me to open myself to love you. Am I getting it right?”

“Yes.” Her eyes pleaded with him. “I am in love with you, Deacon, and it is not something I planned; it just happened. And I know you feel something- “She let out a gasp when he clamped a hand around her neck.

“Don’t mistake the fact that I enjoy screwing you for anything else. Am I clear?”

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