Page 49 of Deacon

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"He would have whooped my ass if I had not given him the job," Carter said with a grin. "The man is almost seventy and still as scary as hell."

"He is a damn good father, and if he were mismanaging your assets, you would have let him go."

"Yeah, he is the best." He agreed. "Life has been good to me, Del, and I cannot take that for granted."

"The first time you got paid, you bought your parents a brand-new house in the same neighborhood and sent your sister to law school. How is Stephanie?"

"Getting married to some lawyer in December." He told her with a grimace. "The guy is nice and all, but a lawyer? She could have done so much better. And he is white."


"I told her that there were lots of brothers around, and she chose a white guy. What's up with that?"

"She is in love."

"What she said." He grinned at her. "This book thing, how would it work?"

Her heart quickened as she realized he was considering it. "We would get you to work with a ghostwriter. He or she would sit down with you, gather the details, and go on."

"It sounds interesting. If I agree to it, there would be one concession."

"That I sleep with you?" She aimed a bland look at him.

"Damn, I really should make that part of the agreement. But sadly, no, I would like all of the proceeds to go to the community center in our neighborhood."

Her admiration for him grew in leaps and bounds. "I am so proud of you." She told him quietly.

"Proud enough to come back to my hotel room with me?"

"Not that proud." Leaning forward, she kissed him on the cheek.

"I could use some tongue."

"Not going to happen. How long are you in town for?"

"A week. Is that enough time?"

"I will schedule an appointment for you to meet with someone at the hotel."

"Good. A book." He shook his head as he resumed eating. "I must be dreaming."


They made headlines, and their photos were splashed all over the internet the next day with the caption: 'Linebacker Carter Reynolds recently divorced, seen here wining and dining the exquisite Delores Pennant. They look very cozy and intimate together - perhaps this is much more than dinner between friends.

Delores stared at the photos in disgust and decided to ignore them. She also ignored the calls from the reporters and firmly told Mariel to say the usual line of no comment. It was not her first time being paired with someone famous, and she did not want it to bother her.

David had called while he was at work as he had seen the photos.

"Why didn't you tell me he was in town?"

"He still is." She told him which hotel. "You could reach out."

"Are you two a thing?" He demanded.

"You know I am seeing someone."

"Have you heard from him?"

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