Page 38 of Deacon

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"No." Downing the drink, he gestured to the waitstaff for another. "I am just surprised to see her here."

"She is friends with Sara and Angeline. Sara is an account executive at Bidell's Advertising. I believe you have shares in the company."

"I do." He was drawn back to the group, his eyes barely acknowledging the other two women. Now, the bastard was leaning down to whisper something in her ear.

"Son of a bitch!" he exploded.

"Why don't we go over and say hello?" Jackson suggested.

"Why the hell would we do that?"

"To try and diffuse the tension. Or to avoid bringing attention to yourself by going off on the guy. I must remind you that reporters are all over the room."

"I am fine." He said gruffly.

"Are you? Let's go anyway."

He allowed himself to be led, even though he knew it was a bad idea. He should find Sylvie and tell her that something came up and he had to leave. The evening had turned sour to him anyway.

"Ladies, gentlemen." Jackson greeted them with a polite smile.

Deacon saw when she whirled around and caught the surprise on her exquisite face. The top of the romper was dipped low in the front as well, revealing the swell of her breasts and the fact that she was not wearing a bra.

"Jackson! Mr. Manchester, I did not expect to see you here." To her credit, she recovered quickly and made the round of introductions. "Where is Jerri?"

"Somewhere around. Might I interest you ladies and Tom in having a drink with me?" He expertly shepherded them away, leaving Deacon and Delores alone.

"I should go and find Jerri-"

"Who is he?"

"Thomas Brightly. He is-"

"I heard the name the first time, and I am not interested in what he does. Why are you with him?"

She bristled at that, dark brown eyes flashing. "He is a friend, and he called me up and wanted to see me. I was invited to the party by Sara, and I just used it to kill two birds with one stone. We have an arrangement you put forth; what I do when I am not with you is none of your concern."

"I distinctly told you that there will be no infidelity." He said through gritted teeth.

"So what? I am being unfaithful just because I am here with Tom? How hypocritical can you be? Aren't you here with Sylvie Branson? Does one rule apply to me and not to you? You clearly stated that we are not in a damn relationship, and we are free to live our own separate lives. Has that changed?"

He stared at her for a minute and realized how irrational he was. He had seen her with the guy and felt the dart of anger churning through his body. Ever since he met her, things were upside down with him. He neither knew if he was coming or going.

"I want to see you tonight."

"I am going to need advance notice." She told him coolly, refusing to jump through his hoops. She had decided to heed Angeline's edict - treat this as casual and try her darndest not to let her emotions tangle up.

"What the hell for?" He growled. "I need to be with you, and you promised to make yourself available."

"Okay, fine."

"How about now?"

She simply stared at him. "We both came here with someone, and I am not leaving the party in the middle of it to satisfy your prurient desire. We are not some randy teenagers who cannot wait to jump in bed and crawl over each other. I already agreed to be with you later but intend to enjoy the party. Where should we meet?"

"Is your place suitable?"

"It is. Now, please excuse me. I see some people I would like to speak to."

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