Page 29 of Deacon

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"I see." His silver eyes made her nervous, and she badly wanted a stronger drink.

"I am not going to apologize."

She could swear his lips quirked slightly.

"I would have been disappointed if you did."


"At a loss for words, Ms. Pennant?"

"It seems I am." She lifted her head to look at him. "What did you want to see me about?"

"I would like you to meet me at my office after business hours tomorrow. I think it's time we talk about those changes."

Her eyes widened at that. "I still have a job?"

This time, the smile was evident. "It would seem that way. Enjoy your night." With that, he was gone.

She watched him wound his way through the throng of people, ignoring the ones vying for his attention. She was so caught up in staring after him that she did not realize her friends had come up behind him.

"What a delicious-looking man," Angeline murmured. "He was smiling at you, or am I mistaken?"

"Was he?" She turned to look at her friends. "With Deacon Manchester, one never knows." She glanced at Sara. "Did you buy anything?"

"Two paintings that will look marvelous in my new apartment."

"And I bought a horrendously expensive Jackson Colby's blue period. I could not resist."

"Let's see if I can't find one I like."


David caught her staring at him as he tugged off his shoes and rose to take care of his clothes.


"I love you." She told him softly.

He felt his heart fluttered inside his chest. "What brought that on?"

"A wife cannot tell her husband that she loves him?" She had already changed out of the clingy black cocktail dress she had worn for the event and was wearing a see-through lavender lace nightie with a bow at the throat. He had no idea why she bothered as he could see everything and the fact that she was not wearing panties.

"Or is it that I endured two mind-numbing hours of staring at god-awful paintings?" He said dryly as he came to join her on the bed.

"It might have something to do with that." Her fingers brushed his strong chin as she threw a leg over his. "And it might have to do with the fact that you are agreeing to go through the surrogacy."


"No." She shook her head. "I know what you are going to say. I might be disappointed, but I promise I am through if this does not work. I just want to try all avenues, and if this does not work out, I am giving up."

His hand came up to grip her silky hair, his expression one of tenderness and absolute love.

"You know how I feel about you." His voice was thick with need. "When I first saw you, I tried everything to stay away. You are out of my league, and I knew it. But I felt like a damn rock that first day you opened the door, and it only got stronger.

Your money was an issue, and I could not get around it, but I still can't. But living without was something I was not prepared to do." His eyes were fierce. "I would do anything for you, Lori, and I want you to get that finally."

"I do." Her throat was dry and aching. "I do. At first, I thought I could never live up to Delores. I saw the two of you together, and jealousy was eating away at me, especially when I realized you were not blood-related. I wanted to smash her beautiful face with my fist."

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