Page 35 of Night of Mercy

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The thought made her smile as she shut the rear hatch and hurried to get in the car. Knowing she was prepared for just about anything was a good feeling.

The fact that it was Monday put her in an even better mood. She loved Mondays. Every time one rolled around, it felt like afresh start to her — the beginning of a new week and a whole new set of adventures.

Her bed was made, her laundry was clean, and she had on her favorite pink smock with fuzzy kittens silk-screened across it. Someday she was going to own a cat of her own, hopefully more than one. Just last week, a patient of hers had tried to talk her into taking a kitten home from his latest litter. Unfortunately, her apartment complex didn’t allow pets.


As she drove to the Comanche reservation, her phone rang, making her jump. As usual, she’d forgotten to turn off the ringer.

Shep’s name flashed across her caller ID. Her heart fluttered with happiness. Okay, now her morning was absolutely perfect!

Since she had her phone mounted to the dashboard, all she had to do was reach out and touch a button to accept his call. “Hey, Shep!”

“Morning, beautiful.” His drawl filled her car and resonated deliciously through her.

You sure make me feel that way.

Thanks to their rigorous training together, she’d dropped ten pounds already.

“How’d the night shift go?” Was that a yawn she heard in the background?

“Boring. The good kind of boring,” he amended with a second, much noisier yawn. “I drove around and drank lots of coffee. Didn’t hand out a single speeding ticket.”

“Please assure me you’re going home to get some rest now.”

“I am.”

“Good.” She frowned in her rear-view mirror as a sports car yanked around her into the left lane. He revved his motor and speeded up to pass her.

Or not. He pulled abreast of her and stayed there, honking to get her attention. He revved his motor suggestively.

“What’s the honking for?” Shep’s voice sharpened.

Prim gave a nervous bleat, refusing to make eye contact with the idiot riding next to her. “I think I’m being challenged to a drag race.”

“Where are you?” She heard him switch on his sirens.

“About two miles from the gates of the rez.” Her voice rose in alarm. It was a two-lane highway, so there was no actual passing lane. The driver next to her was heading straight for a semi-tractor trailer barreling toward them in the left lane. The truck laid on his horn.

“Can you tell what kind of car it is?”

“Blue, I think.” A whimper of fear tore out of her. “I’m about to hit the shoulder, because he’s—”Not slowing down one bit!She slammed on her brakes and yanked her car over to the shoulder.

She skidded to a halt in a spray of gravel and sat there, panting and gripping the steering wheel. The blue sports car zoomed into the lane she’d vacated and cruised on down the road.

Are you kidding me?

She stared after it with anger churning in her gut.

“Prim! Are you still there?” The tenor of Shep’s voice grew frantic.

“I’m here.” She slumped back in her seat, wondering what would’ve happened if she hadn’t given up her lane for the fool in the blue car.

“Talk to me, darling! What’s going on?”

She drew a shaky breath. “I’m parked on the side of the road. The other car stayed right beside me, so I had to pull over. There was a truck coming our way.”

“Where is he now?”

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