Page 21 of Night of Mercy

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His dark gaze glinted with appreciation. “I work long hours, have to dash early from lunch dates, and take important phone calls in the middle of our conversations. All you’ve ever gotten is bits and pieces of me, Prim, but you’ve never once complained about it.”

“What’s there to complain about?” She couldn’t believe he was worried about something so ridiculous. “I respect what you do for a living, and I totally get that it comes with a few sacrifices.”

He studied her with an inscrutable expression. “Do you have any idea how special that makes you?”

She shyly shook her head, unsure if it was a rhetorical question.

“It’s the whole reason I’ve never dated much. Some women get really territorial after a few dinners out and act like they own you and your schedule, which is completely unrealistic. The only thing I’ll ever have to give you is my heart. As long as I wear a badge, I’ll always be at risk of getting called back to duty — day or night, weekday or weekend, vacation or holiday.”

“I get it,” she assured him. “I do.” She stepped closer to slide her arms back around his neck. “Just for the record, your very big and very beautiful heart is the first thing I decided I liked about you.”

He wrapped his arms around her and tugged her closer. “You like it, eh?”

She doubled down. “I really, really like it.”

“That’s all?” he taunted.

“Okay, maybe it’s a little more than that.”

“Just a little?” He nuzzled her earlobe, making her shiver.

“You’re fishing again,” she accused.

“Big time,” he admitted. “I’m also very much looking forward to the crack of ten tomorrow.”

“Ha. Ha.”

He reluctantly dropped his arms from around her and angled his head toward her apartment. “Come on. Let’s get you home so you can get a jump-start on that over-rated sleep.”

Just the mention of sleep made her give a jaw-cracking yawn that made her eyes water. “Whew! Sorry.”

“Am I putting you to sleep?”

“If I say yes, will you carry me back?” she joked, then immediately wished she hadn’t. “Just kidding,” she muttered.

He snorted. “You think I can’t?”

Why, oh, why had she brought up such an embarrassing topic? “I’m pretty solid, Shep.” By solid, she was referring to the extra pounds she’d put on from eating a few too many glazed and chocolate cream filled donuts from the bakery. She spun away from him and started walking hurriedly toward her front door.

The next thing she knew, he was scooping her up and hauling her against his chest.

“Shep!” She gave a squealing laugh as he broke into a jog with her.

He wasn’t even breathing hard when they reached the door of her apartment.

“Show off,” she accused as he slid her down his tall frame to set her back on her feet.

“I’ve got you, Prim.” He lightly pinched her chin. “I always will.”

Never before had any guy ever made her feel so feminine and beautiful. “Thanks.” To lighten the air a little between them, she added, “I hope that means you’re not going to go easy on me tomorrow.”

A glint of pure wickedness appeared in his eyes. “Exactly how tough do you want me to be?”

“Tough enough to prepare me for what’s coming.” She lifted her chin. “I knew what I was signing up for, Shep, so don’t hold back. As a P.A., I’m exposed to human sickness and suffering every day on the job, so I can handle whatever you throw at me. I mean it.” Yeah, she’d have some catching up to do on the physical side of things, but there was no way around that. “Show me how to help you track down missing people, drugs, or whatever else we need to do to make the rez a better place to live and work.”

He was staring at her in amazement by the time she finished her speech.

“What?” She slapped her hands down on her hips.

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