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She was standing at the island with her hands on her hips, a smile on her pretty face. She’d pulled some of her hair back with a clip and just a few dark tendrils curled around her cheeks and her fringe sat messily on her forehead.

‘Flora,’ he said and she turned to face him. ‘You have some flour on your cheek.’

She brushed a hand over her face but missed the flour completely, so he reached out and gently cleared it away. When his hand met her skin, her pupils dilated and she sighed softly, and it did something to him, sent shockwaves through his body and something right to his heart. They stared at each other for afew moments as if struck dumb. Finally, it was Flora who looked away, a rosy flush spreading over her skin.

‘You’re so beautiful,’ he said.

‘What?’ She frowned.

‘You’re beautiful. Simply stunning.’

Flora blinked rapidly then rubbed at her cheek where he’d touched her. ‘Don’t say things like that.’

‘Why not?’ He tilted his head.

‘I’d just prefer it if you didn’t.’

‘But why?’

Flora went to the sink and washed her hands then dried them on a small towel that she draped over the radiator near the back door. ‘I just… Oh don’t worry about it.’

‘Flora, the last thing I want to do is offend or upset you, so I apologise if my comment did either of those things. I had to tell you though. You really are beautiful.’

Flora shook her head. ‘I don’t feel it.’

‘Well you should.’ He paused for a moment. ‘Did someone hurt you?’

Flora seemed to freeze and her skin paled, the pretty flush disappearing in seconds. ‘Someone did, yes. And I’m still coming to terms with it.’

‘I’m so sorry. He must be a complete idiot.’

Flora pressed her lips together and Leif realised that it would be a good time to change the subject. ‘How about we put the kettle on and take some of these through for Victor?’

‘That’s a great idea.’ She smiled now, and it was like a cloud had passed over the sun and the sun had emerged even more golden and welcome than before. He couldn’t deny that she was probably the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

They made tea then loaded up two trays that they found in a cupboard and took them through to Victor.

Chapter 11


Victor sat back on the sofa and placed his hands over his full belly. What a day this had turned out to be! The lovely young people had come to his home and baked a delicious array of cakes and made several mugs of tea and he’d been told to put his feet up and relax while they took over. And they worked so well together, side by side, a brilliantly efficient team, like they’d always been that way. If they were both single, as he thought they were, then he couldn’t see any reason why they couldn’t get together. That thought made him chuckle because it was the type of thing Mavis would have said and he’d have laughed at her for being an old romantic. But that was the thing with being with someone for a long time, you started to take on some of their characteristics, whether it was in the way you dressed or spoke or in how you thought. They kind of rubbed off on you and it was comforting to think that he was a bit like Mavis now, that he carried some of her with him wherever he went. Mavis was in his heart and his mind and under his skin and it would always be that way until the day he took his final breath. God, he had loved her so much. So, so much.

‘Shall we put a movie on?’ Flora asked. She was sitting on the sofa the other side of Magnus who had clearly decided that hisseat was next to Victor, and not just because Victor had shared his fairy cake with him. He liked having Magnus’s company; it was incredibly comforting to be able to bury his hand in the dog’s soft fur and to feel the warmth of the large body at his side.

I’d like that,’ Leif said. He was sitting on the other sofa, his long legs crossed at the ankles, his smile easy and relaxed. He was a good lad, Victor thought, and he enjoyed having him around. Mavis would have doted on him no doubt. She’d always wanted a son to adore and said he’d be just like Victor while he’d said a daughter would be perfect because she’d be just like Mavis. At times like this, when those thoughts arose, he always reminded himself that while they didn’t have the gift of children, they’d had each other and some people never got that lucky. They’d been incredibly fortunate to find a love like theirs.

‘What shall we watch?’ Flora asked, reaching for the remote and holding it out for Victor.

He shook his head. ‘You two choose. I’m out of touch with what’s good these days.’

Flora flicked through the channels then said, ‘How about this classic?’

‘I do like a Christmas movie,’ Victor said.

As ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’began, Victor shifted on his seat so he could better accommodate Magnus then he allowed himself to relax. He had a belly full of good food, a warm dog at his side and the company of two lovely young people to watch a movie. Mavis must be looking down on him and making sure he was all right because there could be no other explanation for how lucky he was right now.

‘You know what you’re missing, Victor?’ Flora asked.

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