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They giggled, indicating that was exactly what it was. “I told my mama to send you to pick us up. I think y’all would make a cute couple.”

“Ashanni, you and Maui a trip. I never expected y’all to be on this level of foolery. We gon’ see though. I gave her my business card.”

“Aye!” they both yelled and high-fived each other.

I slowly shook my head but couldn’t stop the slight smile from forming on my lips. Yendi Odom was gon’ get the business. Relationships were still off limits though. She would have to be a fucking saint and a devil at the same time to get me to go there. I wasn’t writing that off as impossible, but it would definitely be a challenge if she was up for it. Those thick, plump lips were glossed to perfection, and I could imagine her leaving that gloss all over my dick.

I hadn’t had a girlfriend since my second year of college so the simple thought of thinking she could have my ass on lock was something serious. Maybe I was more like my uncles than I thought. At first sight, I was wondering if she would be the one to pull a nigga like Jakari Bolton. She didn’t know who she was fucking with yet, but I would surely make that shit known when she called. Honestly, I was anticipating it.



Had that fine nigga approached me anywhere else other than my job, he would have gotten a mouthful. My pussy had enlarged herself to receive him, despite me trying to act offended. He read me perfectly. Most men assumed I was a nerd because I was a librarian and avid reader. The glasses I wore and my work attire definitely fit the stereotype. Jakari saw right though that shit.Whew!

I couldn’t move until I no longer saw him. That nigga came out and told me what he wanted then walked off without so much as a glance back. His last name was Bolton, but I knew he was a Henderson as well, because the girls’ last names were Henderson. Plus, his business card indicated that he worked for Henderson Farms. I’d heard how they practically owned Nome. Maui’s father was just elected mayor of the town. She was excited to tell me when she got to school.

For the family to practically own the town and be as prosperous as they were, there had to be some confidence and aggressiveness about them. Jakari exhibited those qualities. Just from our minute-long conversation, I wanted to spread my legs for him, and I didn’t even know his ass. I loved a man that took charge and didn’t play games.Say what you mean and mean what you say. Stand by that shit.

I hated putting on a front, but I didn’t have a choice. Most times, I was quiet and slightly reserved, but there was no way a nigga would have gotten away with what he said scot-free. He would have gotten one of two reactions. Either I would have handed his ass to him when I cursed him the hell out, or I would have come back with something just as nasty, challenging him to back up everything he said. I wasreadyto feel the most powerful orgasm of my life.

Just staring at his chocolate complexion, slanted eyes, the slight scowl on his face, and the way he towered over my five-feet-nine-inch frame had me ready to release right in my panties. They were wet as hell when I sat back at my desk to gather my things. It was like I could still feel his touch. His hands were strong. Although they were somewhat soft, I could tell that they were working hands. There was one callus right beneath his fingers.

He was a country boy, and I always fantasized about being with a country man, but they were never as hood as the man that stood before me today. He had diamond earrings in his ears, a gold chain with a diamond cross hanging from it, tattoos on his arms and I assumed his chest, because they were peeking out above the rim of his shirt, but wore cowboy boots, jeans, a belt with a rodeo buckle, and a graphic tee. He was so fucking fine, but I had a feeling he was dangerous.

While I would love for him to slut me out, I was also ready for something meaningful. I was lonely, and I’d had a difficult few months before I moved here a month ago. My father got sick, and my mama lost her fucking mind, leaving my three siblings and me in disbelief. When he passed away, it was like we lost both parents, although it felt like we lost her well before he left this earth. It caught us off guard.

My mother was always there for my dad. He’d been dealing with illnesses for a while. You named it, he had it. The list was long, but congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, fluid retention, and diabetes were at the top of the list. He’d had many hospital stays, and she was there for him each time, taking off work and keeping us in the loop of what was going on. We couldn’t all be there all the time. As his wife, it was her job to be there. We all had to work, and my two sisters had families to take care of.

This time, she wasn’t there for him and was making decisions that were the total opposite of what he would want and what we had discussed as a family if he were ever critical. It left us all feeling weird about the whole situation. What made it worse was when we questioned her actions, she snapped and started lying to people about us.

Hearing my dad’s emotional turmoil about how she was treating him made my heart cold. I no longer wanted anything to do with her. I knew I did whatever I could for my dad. It was no secret to anyone how close we were. I talked to him every day. Right under God, he was the one. He was an amazing father, and I had no regrets. However, to know he died from a broken heart kills me. He couldn’t understand why she was throwing forty-five years of marriage to the wayside and acting like he no longer meant the world to her.

He didn’t spare any details. He was only at home with her for two weeks before he died. I’d seen him the day before, and I could tell he was emotionally upset. Since his nurse was there, he couldn’t tell me what was going on. He didn’t have to tell me. I knew she was on bullshit. She’d been on bullshit since he’d ended up intubated and unresponsive in ICU almost two months prior.

I hadn’t spoken to her since his memorial service, and I made it clear that I didn’t want to hear shit from her unless she was ready to address her behavior and make some changes. Apparently, that time hadn’t come, and in my heart, I knew it would never come. The day she admitted she was a compulsive liar would be the day Jesus returned. Her actions only made me assume the worst about her. In my heart, I felt like she let my dad die. Like she stood there and watched him drift off and didn’t call the ambulance until he was gone.

I couldn’t publicly make accusations, because I had no proof. Her cold and heartless attitude toward him said she wanted him to die. The more time passed by, the harder it would be for her to rectify this. I didn’t think she wanted to rectify it though. She was content with creating drama, and I refused to be a part of it. I told my siblings that they could sweep it under the rug and move on with her in their lives if they wanted to, but that was a no-go for me.

That admission made me feel so alone. I was still grieving my father’s death, because it was filled with so much turmoil and drama I couldn’t grieve properly. I didn’t truly grieve until I moved here, out in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do but sit with my thoughts. I still spoke to my siblings and a couple of my dad’s siblings, but that was it. Grief had been a monster to overcome, but I could finally think about my dad and smile at times.

Now that I was at peace again, I could entertain the flirtatious glares I received. They were usually given by white men because that was the majority at the school. However, Jakari let me know that Nome was where it was at. The girls had told me that their aunts had a diner out there that served soul food through the week and a little bit of everything on the weekends. I would definitely have to take a trip to see what I could see, Friday.

As I headed to my condo in Sour Lake, my thoughts drifted back to Jakari. I was going to make his ass sweat. While I wanted to see what hung between his slightly bowed legs, I didn’t want to seem too thirsty. He seemed like a fuckboy. I needed to get my mind right for that. I had needs, but because I was so thirsty for affection, I was afraid that I would confuse what I felt from him as that instead of what he said it was.

There was something about him that intrigued the fuck out of me. Besides his audacity to approach me the way he did, I could tell there was more to him that he kept hidden. The eyes often led to the soul, and I could see that while he tried to play the role of a player, that wasn’t who he truly was. I didn’t even know how I saw all that in his gaze, but I did. When the girls mentioned that their cousin was coming to get them, I didn’t think anything of it, but the minute they left us alone, I could see that they’d set this whole thing up.

The two of them were my brightest students. They loved to read, and I almost found myself sharing one of my reads with them. They were so mature for their ages I’d almost forgotten they were kids. While I was pretty sure they were reading books they had no business reading, I couldn’t be the one recommending them. I’d gotten into reading a lot of black independent authors and chose to review the reads I enjoyed on TikTok. I’d gained a little over two thousand followers and more people were following me every day.

Reading and doing TikTok reviews kept me busy to where I didn’t have too much time to fall down a rabbit hole, thinking about my dad and family drama. Maui had somehow found my page and shared it with Ashanni, so I supposed I was recommending books to them indirectly. They’d been trying to get their cousin, Milana, involved with our project, but she wasn’t an avid reader. She was more concerned with her budding rodeo career.

Once I got inside and got situated, I warmed some pork ribs I’d baked yesterday along with some rice dressing, green beans, and baked beans. After adding a scoop of potato salad from the fridge, I went to sit at the table. This was a Sunday dinner I’d cooked on a big Tuesday, but once I started, I couldn’t stop adding shit to my meal. The green beans were the last edition because I realized I didn’t have a vegetable.

After my first forkful of potato salad, my phone started ringing. I rolled my eyes, knowing it was probably someone I didn’t want to talk to. I didn’t have many friends because I lowkey didn’t like people like that. When I picked it up and saw my baby sister’s number, I smiled. We hadn’t talked in a couple of days, and I was always glad to hear from her. “Hello?”

“Hey, Yendi! How are you?”

“Hey! How are you, Janay?”

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