Page 84 of Trust in the Fallen

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Wyatt appears beside him, his calloused hands resting on my bare thighs.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know how this could have happened.” I swallow the sob lodged at the back of my throat. This wasn’t the plan. We’ve never really discussed kids. We’ve been too busy enjoying each other.

They look at one another, confusion tugging at each of their brows. “Angel, you have nothing to be sorry for. This is the best fucking gift you could ever give us.” Wyatt squeezes my thigh.

“We’re not upset, pretty girl. We’re fucking ecstatic.” Elias drops one hand to my belly. “You’re carrying our baby.”

A sob of relief escapes as a few rogue tears fall against my cheeks. “I should do a test. To be sure.” I’ve never done one before, but I guess there’s a first time for everything.

“You don’t need to.” Wyatt smirks. “We had your pee tested a few days ago.”

“You did what?” I shout, turning my glare on his beautiful face. “You stole my pee?”

Elias nods, his smile more than a little smug. “It wasn’t exactly hard. Wyatt just distracted you while I grabbed it.”

“That’s disgusting.”

He shrugs and tugs me down onto the floor between them. They each wrap their arms around me until I’m enveloped by them.

Reality starts to crash down on me, but the panic never comes. If I’d found out I was pregnant by Jason, I would have been devastated, but this isn’t the same.

This child will come into the world surrounded by so much love, with two daddies who will do anything for them, and a mother who will love and encourage them every step of the way.

“Thank you for giving us the entire world, angel,” Wyatt whispers against the shell of my ear.

But don’t they realize they’re the ones that have given me everything?

I drop a hand to my belly and smile.

We’re going to be so happy, little one.
